Oh dear, update

I loathe facebook right now. I had to take my author page and make a whole new one from scratch because I made the mistake of filling out the profile not realising they were going to turn it into a personal face book account which I don't have anymore and don't want. When I tried to disable it, it disabled the whole thing soooo now I had to make a whole new author page.


You know what else I dislike? The fact that facebook is accessing our emails to make friend suggestions. There's a loony out there (whom I've never met) that I don't want to have contact with, especially on facebook. Well, facebook goes and makes a friend suggestion. I have not corresponded to this person in two years I think. And I'm like, how is facebook making a suggestion? I wonder if they are making a suggestion for him as well by alerting him to my facebook author page. They have no right to scan the various email addresses we've communicated with, much less one we haven't corresponded with in years! These people have no idea who they might be contacting and why I might have been concerned enough to save the darned emails. I should not say this person is dangerous, but was a little crazy-emailing obsessively for months. Thanks facebook. Nice job! Luckily the personal page (and unfortunately the author page) was disabled. I doubt if that person had enough time to get a friend suggestion from my facebook account.


Okay, enough venting.


Please stop by and check me out guys. I hope to see you there!



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