First I covered my tail by figuring out a way to tie it into SyFy and Fantasy.

Yall gon hafta excuse me, but I'm sick of this isht.

So Precious turns out to be an interesting case study in film, self hate andblack culture.

From so many angles.

Monique gives the performance of the decade.
See the film just to see her.

             You need to take ya ass down to the welfare.

Precious :
You want me to go now?

Why would you go now?
It's... at-- nighttime.
You gotta go 7 o clock in the morning.

I could watch that movie over and over just to watch Monique do herthing.

But about the self hate, there's a scene in the film where the director (Lee Daniels) films Precious stealing a bucket of fried chicken and running down the street.

This entire film was blaxploitation to the fullest.

Now at some point we hafta think what power are we giving gay blackfilmmakers when we let them make films for our people.

The director Lee Daniels is openly gay and he admits to being"f*cked up" in the head.

Anyway, in the broken black communities do we need to put acid inour wounds and create art and images like this?

Let's take a look at the homosexual black male by himself.

Do you think he disrespects black hetero men?
Do you think he is jealous of black hetero women?

Yes and yes.

Now, what is the black family comprised of?

The black man, woman and child.

By nature and design homosexuals attack and destroy this at every juncture.

Even when they don't know it.

And that's part of what this film does.

The other part is that a black homosexual may feel that the blackcommunity was "too hard" on him.

Or that the black community is "homo phobic".
(by the way the community is "homo-repulsed" not phobic)

But anyway when the black community rejects the black homo, gay or emasculated male  guess who welcomes him?

Some of the white community. "He's so nice." "He's so well mannered".

And in the Precious film all of the heroes were white or"lightskindded" black folk.

The whole time I'm watching it I'm like "Hmmmm. This director mustreally, really, really have a vendetta or something against the black

The messed up part about it tho, is that Precious still remains tobe a good film, from a technical standpoint.

He employed little visual and motion effects and it never gotboring.  Very solid film. Extremely capable director.

But one has to ask, why did a homosexual black male or female choose toadapt this source material when the black community is in DIRE need of
positive images and there is a ton of other stories to tell.

Why this? And then the film had no redemptive qualities. I mean atthe end, there's was no coming to grips with her identity and there were
no positive images of black folk.

So then we gotta ask why did Oprah and Tyler support this film?
Neither of whom are married to the opposite gender.

When this picture first came out my mom told me don't see it becauseit was an attack on black men.

Now we gotta ask ourselves who is the black homosexual's archenemy?
The hetero black male.

We gotta start thinking about the food they feed us and why.

Straight men, we gotta stand up and resist this.

I ain't tryna offend those in that lifestyle by talking about this stuff directly. But i'm also not tryna censor myself.

Bottom line, we gotta be careful who we let entertain us and with what.

A lotta so called black leaders and public figures are mad at the blackcommunity on some "I'm a get my revenge on them" type shitt.

And they will do anything to destroy us.

Even the rappers.
Look at the ones who spend their entire careers tryna get back atand one up people who called them short or ugly.

Their entire careers.
Album after album talking about their money.

All of this is an attack.

As it is in music so it is film.
We gotta be careful with these people who handle us.

For real, for real, I think the film makers of Precious are the ones making a mockery ofGabby Sidibe.

Remember this scene from Hollywood Shuffle?

This is what Gabby should've done when he asked her to steal a bucketof fried chicken and haul ass down the street.

Movies like Hollywood Shuffle demonstrate what filmmaking was like when we had pride.


It seems like we fall for anything.
I don't want this to be the case.

More hetero black people need to make films and get involved inentertainment.

I'm begging you.

Another thing too to consider. Imagine ifthere's a film about a strong black woman who fights against racial

There will be no oscar.

But let a nasty white dude nearly rape halle berry?
Or let a sister lay up and wait for her pigs feet to get cooked?

And you can get their most coveted award.

This is not a mistake.
Not by accident.

Here's the entire Hollywood Shuffle film for those of you who have never heard of it or who wanna forget it.

The scene starts at 1:05:47

But so far as this film Precious and what they did and showed the world, I can't be on this fence with stuff, man.
This is what I see and this is what I feel.

And it's lots of other parts in the film that I haven't even spoke on.

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