Because it was nothing else visual in the source material that required pictures.Either moving or static.But aside from all that, the movie was okay.Ain't no such thing as a long movie to me.Shidddd. Good films are always too short.The opening scene with the fight between the assassin and the comedian was kinda okay.not bad.they gave rorsharch a little bit of ups.that was was an okay movie.i won't see it again.but it wasn't shitty.i can't sit here and say that.the lulls were only due to the source material. that shit was boring. no surprise.they did decide to go with a more graphic scenes just in case you get sleepy. like the meat cleaver to the forehead scene vs settin the crib on fire.but hey, how can you blame them?the flick was's interesting that a pure R rated comic book piece of cinema was actually able to fly and be successful.later on people might start up the SIN CITY vs WATCHMEN wars.i could see that.watchmen is just really misleading because of the capes.lose the capes and we wont expect yeah i saw it.i ain't hate was alright.compared to other movies with capes, this will disappoint.but compared to a regular cop movie, you might like this.oh yo, i forgot what i really wanted to say.yo rorsharch and dr manhattan ain't on par with heath's the joker.that dude playin rorsharch had the mask on the whole time.ain't no comparison.they ain't give him nothin to work with.of course that wasn't the story.but the next comic book movie i wanna see isThe Death Of Superman (that might not fly as a title. but doomsday vs superman.)or the Secret Wars.learn the origin of venom in number nine.

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