Just learned that until October 14th, Harper Collins Voyager imprint - the arm which specializes in speculative fiction; science fiction, horror, fantasy, etc. - will openly accept your manuscript, for consideration.

If publication with a large traditional is your goal, and you have no representation - this is one of your potential shots to make that happen.  It's open to everyone, without an agent or other referral.  Harper Voyager Open Submission Form

In addition to basic information yourself, you'll need a synopsis, a query letter, the first 1,000 words of your manuscript, and of course, the completed manuscript itself (I presume PDF format will be the least problematic).

NOTE: I noticed that the fine print states that authors of selected manuscripts will sign an agreement, of course, but this will be done with a "non-advance" royalty payment.  That is, no dough, up front.  So please factor that in, to your personal pros and cons, if it's important to you, in choosing the traditional vs. independent publishing route.

If you submit, good luck to you!

- Jammes

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