By now I'm sure everyone's heard about Professor Henry Louis Gates Arrest and I've been blogging about all day. Some the responses I've seen have made me so angry -- in particular one by a certain Black woman on CNN that circulating the web. I really admire my BSFS Sisters and Brothers, we've got some of the finest minds on the globe right here. Here's a copy of the blog I posted earlier. BSFS Sisters & Brothers what say you?"Racial profiling is the disease of American culture and Professor Gate's arrest has thrown a spotlight on it. I'm thrilled that it happened to him because of who he is - this time the police have definitely harassed the wrong Black man - and that our President addressed it. Now, observing the reactions of many, I'm amazed and angry.I can only assume that they don't know -- or care -- what it feels like to be Black or Latino in America. Or to wonder if the next policeman that stops you for a traffic violation will decide to taser you. Or kill you. I once listened on NPR radio to the police taser a Black woman because she was driving without a license and didn't get out the car fast enough. And no she wasn't a drug dealer and she didn't have a weapon. Granted they should have given her ticket -- maybe even impounded her car. But to torture her?Her screams of agony are something I will never forget. This is my reality. The reality of every brown and black skinned American.Reporters have been discussing President Obama's comments: "He shouldn't have waded in before he knew the facts..." Excuse me? What really pisses me off is that Black men have been shot to death while holding house keys in their hand, while handcuffed, only last year a young man was killed the night before his wedding in a strip club -- why the police were even there to begin with is still a mystery to me. Reports of the incident later describe one office loading and reloading his weapon. More than 40 shots were fired. So many that police riding the subway over them thought they were being attacked.These kind of scenarios happen time and again in our society. But somehow the police are never at fault. And if the man or woman happens to wind up in pool of blood? It's just: "these things happen." Then it's back to business as usual.Yes Professor Gates probably did over react -- and I'm willing to bet the color of his skin had a bit to do with his reaction. Maybe he was tired, hungry and really didn't feel like looking at police in his own home. Maybe a little of both. But that's not the issue.Nor is the fact that Professor Gate's is a member of the upper echelon. Thank God he was! Or he might not have survived. And the whole thing would've been swept under the rug. The issue is that racial profiling is a serious problem that can be very hazardous to your health. Especially if you happen to be male.We know the facts. The fact is that if you're Black or Latino you better be afraid of the police, especially if you're male. Whether you earn a six figure salary or you're unemployed. The police showed up. Brother Henry showed his ID. But of course they had no idea who he was (Many White folks never take to time to find out who our heroes are unless we're bouncing a basketball or holding a microphone). Brother Henry had the nerve to run his mouth -- and how dare he?!So they decided to teach this uppity nigger a lesson -- after all what the hell was he doing living in a multi-million dollar home to begin with? Only this time it blew up in their faces.A white reporter asks President Obama what he thought about it. And oh she is upset with his answer! Good for him!! President Obama is a Black man not a negro and racial profiling is the middle passage of the 21 century. It touches folks from every walk of life and it make my blood boil!! Just like my Black and Latino Brothers and Sisters.Imma say it one mo gin': Speak it like you feel President Obama and good for you!!"

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