OK, most of us -even the ardent Sci-Fi geeks and/or supporters of Black cinema can admit the Robert Townsend movie -Meteor Man, stunk like two day old mold.  But, I proposed it can be tweaked and reworked to be a much cooler character.


1. I'd toned down the Pre-Crisis Superman and make it more of a tweaked Captain Comet/Alan Scott Green Lantern Hybrid.  He'd be a super intelligent man with superhuman strength and speed, as well as telepathy and and Green lantern like forcefield. All of his other goofy powers would be extensions of a set power set, instead of being pulled out of nowhere.


2. I'd give him a more realistic approach - most grown mild manner teachers aren't going to make up a silly costume and beat up drug dealers. I'd explore how getting this type of power would change a person.


3.  There be connection to an African deity, much like Alan Scott finding the original Green Lantern.

4. It would be much more political than the movie.  Yes, he'd take out drug dealers, he'd face off the government.  A Black Superman would make certain forces in the US power structure nervous.


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