If you have ever been stumped on how to answer that question in a conversation boy do i have an answer for you. A Perfect opportunity to woo your non Black friends and to let your Black friends know that you are not only smart you well informed.
RACE THE POWER OF AN ILLUSION: (RTPOI) A PBS special from 2003 fell onto my desk because of an oversight in the production of the DVD but that is not the point of this post. RTPOI gently defines why there is a division of race in the world and how if became so prominent in these United States.
The video is divided in to chapters similar to a book, it is incumbent that the viewer watch all three chapters at a pace that allows you to absorb the documentary completely and not watch as a movie. CCH Pounder's narration is spot on with her smooth and eloquent delivery of such a compounded difficult subject matter.
There are many points of historical fact that you will find that you know and realize that you know them not from history books or classroom activity but in other forms often from well traveled family members. Watch and enjoy. Although this was shot in 2003 prior to the failure of the housing market so it does not account for the injustices that came along with that nightmare