racist cartoon in ny post

when barack obama got elected,i said that one thing that would come out of his presidency is that caucasians would show their true colors. that the mask would come off and they would show how they really have been feeling all this time. there was a chimpanzee attack on a woman in stamford. the chimp was famous for various commercials,yadda,yadda. in the end the police shot the chimp. in the new york post,there was a drawing of two police officers with guns in hand,having shot the chimp. so the one cop says"they'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill". now we been dealing with this kind of stuff long enough to know vicious racism when we see it. but what cracks me up is the editor of the ny post isn't even man enough to admit what it is. there's no other way to interpret the words. are they really trying to say that barrack needs to be killed? holla back.

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