Really Bruh?

This thread for them WTF moments that happen when someone does something so way out there that it defies explanation and all you can say is... Really Bruh?

Case in point would be the black man that ate the face of someone thus dispelling the possibility that a black man could go Jeffrey Dahmer even if if he was on some LSD trip.

People flip out on all types of drugs but to eat someone's face speaks of far greater issues going on in the head than what any illegal substance can conjure up.

Another case would be that of Christopher Dorner who in a violent revenge spree killed people not directly responsible for the racism he received and then ended in a final blaze.

Now some have made this man a hero in their own eyes but with all the Dr. King and Malcolm X ways of fighting the power available he chose the Jesse James route and so convoluted whatever message he had intended to send with his actions after the fact.

You know... The NCAAP often takes problems like this if Reverend Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson are unavailable and if proven right the lawsuit could have put him in retirement depending upon how huge the financial settlement could have been.

Just because Johnnie Cochran is no longer with us does not mean that another fancy lawyer could not have raised a good stink about this and drew enough attention to get the job done and made his pockets fatter in the process.

Regardless of the police corruption which everybody and their momma knows about already it was overshadowed by the actions he took... He could have just as easily put a Batman suit on and been more effective working in the shadows to expose the corruption but that's just me.

Freaknik... Need I say more?

There are also "Really Bruhette" moments out there involving women too though not as extreme like sorority hazing gone bad.

Really Bruh???

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