A new anthology has just been released, titled "The Sword & Sorcery Anthology." Edited by David C. Hartwell and Jacob Weisman, it collects 19 of the best short stories in the genre, from the 1930s to the 2010s. Included are the likes of Robert E. Howard, Michael Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, C.L. Moore, Poul Anderson, George R.R. Martin -- and ME! My Dossouye story "Gimmile's Songs" is included in this 480-page compendium. These writers were my idols when I was starting out as a writer, and to be included in their ranks now is just amazing. And I am very proud to be representing "us" in this field, which is what I set out to do four long decades ago. If you keep on, the rewards will come.

The publisher of "The Sword & Sorcery Anthology" is Tachyon Press, and the book is available at and other outlets. I wish I could find a better picture of the cover, but you'll get the idea.

 Keepin' on,


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