Road Trip: The Great Southwest!

Living in the Los Angeles area you find that you are geographically located near a large range of sightseeing wonders.

LA is within a short driving distance to many major cities like San Diego, Las Vegas and San Francisco.

The border of Mexico is also close by allowing for a more international flavor if you so choose.

The deserts are excellent for those long road trip adventures that can offer a scenic mountainous view instead of fields of endless cornstalks and lifeless plains of nothingness.

A good drive every now and then can offer a getaway to stretch the sci-fi mind and inspire you to create other worldly terrains for your projects.

Road trips are generally cheaper than most vacations depending upon how large your traveling entourage is and you might spot something that you would never see from an airplane and have the opportunity to apply the brakes and take a decent picture.

Also LA itself offers it's own set of pleasures be it the vast beach fronts or hiking trails overlooking expensive Hollywood homes of people way less creative than you are... Watch out for rattlesnakes, coyotes or mountain lions though as they can make for good film footage if you are quick enough with the smart phone app.

The following pics are some of the photos from The Grand Canyon, The Meteor Crater and Catalina Island... Sedona Arizona is also a great place to stay and view the beautiful red rocks and the serenity of isolation that can cure the age old disease of writers blockage.

So get off your computer and up out of that chair that has now molded itself in the shape of your increasing butt size and go see some sites that you only see on National Geographic and whatever Google reveals.

Did I ever tell you about the time me, Ronald and my son made the road trip to ECBACC driving from The Windy City to Philly through those beautiful mountains listening to Chicago based House Music... Yeah, don't forget the soundtrack on your drive and enjoy the trip!

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

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