It has happened again! In an attack as brazen and as vicious as the one that destroyed the Vindicator's Black Ship Armada, a BSFS R&D facility, located in the Antartica was destroyed in a missile strike.At least 500, anti-matter-tipped, radon missiles travelling at just below FTL velocity, breached the facility's outer and immediate Airspace Proximity Defense Grid and scored a direct hit on the facility.The BSFS facility housed a large staff of writers, filmmakers and artists devoted to integrating their skillsets toward the conception and implementation of story ideas that will increase the presence of black people in speculative fiction.The BSFS is under seige!! The conspiracy grows!!No one outside of cleared BSFS personnel was supposed to know the location of that facility. I can only suspect that it was the traitor in our midst who handed over the location codes.We must find this traitor and smash this conspiracy once and all!!!!!!!!

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