The screenplay adaptation of Shadowlaw finished in the top 10% of the NicholsFellowship. For those who might not be familiar with the Nichols, its a specialscreenwriting contest given by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciencesfor a large one-year cash prize for the top screenplays chosen from the entries.This year saw over 6,400 entries and even though Shadowlaw did not make it downto the last 312 to qualify for the quarterfinals, the script did make it down tothe last 650.The reason why this isn't a bad thing is because the Nichols judges tend to stayaway from sci-fi/action/horror screenplays and usually go for safer fare like"Akeela and the Bee" and similar family-oriented dramas. To have a meaningfulcomic book adaptation make it down to the last 10% of entries is a testament tothe quality of the script and the overall potential of the property as afranchise.One industry insider who declined to be identified told me, "I know it seems oflittle consolation, but you did do very well in the contest, submitting a verydifficult genre to do it." He also said, "I'd use it to advertise the script -those in the know will know the significance of finishing that well."To learn more about the Nichols Fellowship, check out this link: as far as the comic goes, issue #2 is almost completely wrapped and issue #3is on the way. Solicitation in Previews soon follows!

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