Star Trek: Awesome!

I had reservations about seeing this latest Star Trek, having grown up nourished on a satisfying diet of the original TV show. I saw all of the movies featuring the original crew. There were two that I really enjoyed, the remainder not being up to par as far as I was concerned. Nonetheless, Jim Kirk and Mr. Spock, as portrayed by William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy respectively were the MEN! I mean, you could have other Star Trek crews, but there could not be two Kirks, two Spocks, two Uhuras!! The very thought, had it occurred to me a decade ago, would have been akin to sacrilege. And then I hear about a certain upcoming movie featuring a cast portraying a young original crew and I'm like 'what in tarnation!'A guy playing Kirk whose not Shatner? A reimagining of Star Trek? Has the universe turned on its God forsaken head?!?And then the Vindicator whispered in my ear. He told me to calm down, relax, withhold judgement of this film until after you've seen it. So, I chose a nice quiet spot in the Orbital Mental Health Detention Facility, and I retired there to contemplate the imminent arrival of this movie.I escaped two days after Star Trek came out, made my way to Earth, located a cinema, and snuck past prying optics as I made my entry.The ensuing experience was a thrill ride!Let me give you a mental picture of what to expect from this movie for those who are long time fans of the original Star Trek.Married men: imagine yourselves in a near distant future. You and your significant other are both in your eighties. Then something happens. A strange phenomenon washes over your wife and in the wake of this event, she becomes young again.You look at this youthful, nubile 20 something beauty, stunned beyond belief. Before you know it, she's seduces and makes love to you. Mind you, other than an inexplicable bio chronological reversion, this woman is still your wife...the only other difference is that by virtue of her youth, the lovemaking is an incredibly intense experience. Nothing about this woman has fundamentally changed. Her personality makeup remains the same, but the physical interaction is heightened.The above analogy describes Star Trek. The young cast is spot on in capturing the essence of the original crew. I don't think another actor could have convincingly pulled off Kirk. The resemblance between the old and young Spock is uncanny, the gentleman who plays Scott is flawless with the accent and Uhura! What can I say about Uhura!! I may have to demote Gabrielle Union to the number two spot on my starlet admiration list. ZOE SALDANA I PINE FOR YOU!!!Ahem...anyway, although, there are some surprising and disturbing twists in the movie, Star Trek in many ways has remained true to its roots. Far from conceptually removing itself from its predessessors, the makers of Star Trek delved into the elements that made this story such a pop culture mainstay and came up with a Star Trek 5.0. Bigger, bolder action, grander effects, wider scope, but the characters, though fleshed out, are essentially no different from the ones that graced the original tv show.Star Trek is that young-again wife, and the love making was estatic!!

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