

[1] A research physicist uses a distant star to create the galaxy’s most powerful and feared weapon.

[2] A young female university student is locked in a nearly life-long, fierce and bitter legal battle against the most powerful, government-backed corporation on the face of the planet. In several instances, she is almost killed.

[3] Monday, September 17, 1860. Silas Jeremiah Baldwin, a southern loyalist, dies in a tragic encounter with another individual.

[4] Saturday, July 06, 1974. Three African American teenagers accidentally discover Baldwin’s shattered skeletal remains alongside two other skeletal corpses. In addition, the teenagers find two dust-encrusted devices of some unknown function.

     These four events will merge to form the foundation of a high suspense, high tech and emotionally charged science fiction novel: Deadly Artifact. Deadly Artifact is a 400-year (1860-2260) adventure that reaches across thousands of light-years to various multinational, multicultural and multilingual planetary civilizations located throughout the galaxy.

     The principal protagonist of this story is a young female whose legal actions against a powerful corporation initiates a sociopolitical crisis that plunges the majority of her entire planet, Dabenar, in turmoil. Due to the possible outcome of this legal battle, other planetary governments are threatening to initiate an all-out military attack on Dabenar.

     On a distant and unknown planet called earth, three black high school teenagers will inadvertently become central key figures in this alien crisis. Their part in this crisis ultimately puts earth’s entire population in great peril. Yet, all these tumultuous events will prove to be the catalyst for a greater threat. They are feared. The are hated. They are coming.


Deadly Artifact: A Video Presentation


Deadly Artifact can be purchased at, Barnes and Noble and

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