I think we blew a big opportunity here!
President Obama has been in office for 6 years and yet we have very little to show for it and here is why...
Although there are many who complain that President Obama has not done enough for black people while in power the fact remains is that we have never had a consistent agenda about what it is that we of the black community wanted as a whole!
Jews, LGBT, immigration, foreign policy makers and any other forms of political pushers have spoke their minds collectively and made advancements because they had their ish together as a functioning unit while we have been more sporadic and sort of made stuff up as went along with no real set ideals to foster going forward!
It is not the Presidents fault that we did not come to the table like all the others and had a specific set of needs met we just expected that because he was black it would happen automatically... Huge mistake on our part!
If others can step up to the plate and get laws passed or have their grievances addresses then so too can we by following the same pattern of knocking on the right doors until something gets answered!
At some point after Obama's last term is up we need to reevaluate how things get done and follow proper protocol to finalize some deals when the opportunity presents itself again... Ben Carson anyone!
In the past we talk about when we were once kings back in the day but even then if we needed certain things or entitlements you still had to have avenues to approach the king on great matters not sit back and wait for them to mysteriously get fulfilled!
If all you have is a bunch of incoherent values not arranged in a manner to get passed as a bill you need to press edit, delete or spellcheck until they are legible for political evaluation and legalities!
If a good lawyer looks over your plan and finds inconsistencies that won't work in the long run then proofread that policy until it flows naturally for public consumption!
We don't want another "Ebonics" debacle act like you got some sense and maybe things can happen for us!
You know who you are get yo head in da game son!!!
Black Lobbyists!!!