The gathering included a who's who of black leaders. Aired simultaneously on BET and TVone this was the end all of black think tanking at its best. Everyone who was anyone in black leadership made it a priority to be present at this historic event. This was literally a Black based Manhattan Project.From Jesse Jackson to Al Sharpton to Minister Farrakhan to Tavis Smiley to Cornel West to Jay Z to Will Smith to Oprah Winfrey to Harry Belafonte to Robert Johnson to Michael Jordan to Spike Lee to Tyler Perry to P. Diddy to Eddie Murphy to Halle Berry to T.D. Jakes to... Let's just say every known prominent influential black leader in politics, religion, finance and entertainment who has a say in the black agenda one way or another.Everybody... Got it!Security is extra tight as President Obama with a Secret Service entourage is seated at a huge round table starts the meeting off.President Obama: "As a reelected president with no third term option I can now go off protocol and address some of the concerns many of you in this room have."Minister Farrakhan: "Why can't you call a brotha in public?"President Obama: "Anyway... Are there any other concerns?"Jay Z: "It's yo boy HOV!"Beyonce: "Not now, boo!"P. Diddy: "And you don't stop... And you don't quit!"Tyler Perry: "Does this dress make me look fat?"Cornel West: "You see... The manifestation of the clarification rectified by the institutionalization of the signifying magnitude..."Don King: "Where is my dictionary... That is DEEP!"Halle Berry: "Hey Big Prezzy! When is your birthday?"President Obama: "Everyday, Miss Berry!"Just then a diabolical laugh echoes through the hall.How he managed to slip by Secret Service may have been due to excessive partying behind the Presidents back but Flex Hectic interrupts the townhall meeting with an extravagant grand entrance.Flex's hair is dyed a fluorescent pastel green, his face is painted white with a keloid scarred wide grin and a bright purple suit on.Flex Hectic: "And I thought my leadership was bad!"Minister Farrakhan: "Give me one reason why I shouldn't have my F.O.I. slam you out of here!"Flex Hectic: "How bout a magic trick... Watch me make this bean pie disappear!"As the brotha in a neatly pressed bow tie approaches Flex he has his face slammed inside a tasty bean pie.Flex Hectic: "What happened to black leadership? Did your bawllz fall off after the 60's?"Okay all you black sci-fi writers your homework assignment is to interrupt a black townhall meeting with your "Changing The Game" perspective.No entrance is too crazy and no person of importance is off limits.This exercise is meant to challenge the status quo with fearless and inventive creativity that has no bounds.So...Flex Hectic: "Wanna know how I got these scars?"

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