I just got finished watching the 'Captain America' movie trailer and the first thing that popped in my mind when they showed him getting the 'Super Soldier Serum' was the story of how the serum got perfected prior.

In the story by Robert Morales, the Super Soldier program initially used test subjects with the highly volatile serum. Those 'subjects' were a group of unwitting Black American Soldiers in a 'Tuskeegee' style study.

Of course lots of people bitched about 'how dare they profane the legend of Cappy', but I don't think it did that at all. It is through Captain America's finding of old classified documents that led him to investigate  the whole sordid affair which ultimately created him. If nothing else, I thought that it gave him a much greater sense of responsibility to uphold the ideals of the mantle he wore. Most folks didn't see that though.

Here's the article where Robert Morales is interviewed about the 2003 graphic novel, "Truth: The Red White & Black."


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