"THE COLONY" ---- SYNOPSIS Antistan is a peaceful ant colony that grows a highly nutritious fungus in its underground farms. When the nomadic army ants of the Alpha Zee Colony discover the fungus, they realize they will no longer have to migrate constantly to find food--a single meal of fungus will allow their soldier to fight three times as long, their workers to work faster and longer, and the Queen to lay eggs almost endlessly. What, if anything, can the docile workers of Antistan do to protect their fungus and their way of life? "The Colony" is a story of political intrigue and military domination that is as old as recorded history and as current as today's headlines. PRAISE FOR "THE COLONY" "Reggie Rivers has penned today's Animal Farm. His biting satire finds one enjoying a seemingly simple tale while reflecting on the irony of today's global political structure." --Wellington E. Webb, Former Mayor of Denver "Reggie Rivers has skillfully satirized the complex world of foreign affairs through the poignant tale of warring ant colonies. From this microscopic vantage point, readers are given a whole new perspective on our global community, its flaws and how we might improve our relationships." --John Hickenlooper, Mayor of Denver "Through the wars of ants, this marvelous fable--also a fast paced and very well written story--illuminates the madness of American empire and conjures some possibilities of resistance to it." --Alan Gilbert, John Evans Professor, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver "The Colony is a timeless tale of power, politics, and society. Reggie Rivers has written a masterpiece, the equal of Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984, as well as Huxley's Brave New World." --Professor Jim Cole, Metropolitan State College of Denver

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