The Meaning Behind The Term

African American Science Fiction. Black Science Fiction. The terms are self-explanatory. In essence, these are terms that denote science fiction novels and works created and written by African Americans. Times have changed and are still changing. Believe me, I champion cultural and ethnic diversity in various types of media.Still, I am disturbed by one thing. Over a period of time, I have walked through several Wal-Mart and K-Mart stores. In the reading section, there are various categories of books and magazines. This includes everything from cooking stew to fixing computers to firing M-16 assault rifles. Okay. I have no problem with this.In the fiction book section, there are only two sub sections. Books for African Americans and books for everyone else. Serious! Does anyone else see a potential issue with this set up? If I were a white person, I may be inclined to think that the African American book section is for African Americans only. It would be different if all the books were grouped together.Please. What are your thoughts on this?

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