The Morning After- Tea Party America?

So here we are the morning after--and I don't mean that 1980s flick about nuclear war that freaked me out as a kid. Though some people are going to be as freaked out over the "ginormous" GOP wins last night. Some early morning thoughts from a political junkie:


I. Most of the Dem losses were close---some in the 2 to 4% range. Tea Party had some wins, and some notable losses. In a wied bit of irony, several  "minorities" (quite a few Latinos, and at least two African-Americans) won on Tea Party GOP platforms--elected in majority white districts, naturally.


II. Citizens United Supreme Court decision is no joke. The undisclosed corporate and billionaire (Koch bros et al) money poured into these campaigns was heavily decisive in some of these close races. Some of these elections were literally bought and paid for by a handful of special wealthy interests. Brace yourself for 2012--the money tsunami. Until there's real election finance changes, things will only get worse.


III. Lost some good progressive luminaries like Rus Feingold to that corp money. He was targeted by them primarily because of his push for election finance regulation. And it worked.


IV. Our corporate mainstream media sucks. Giving a voicebox to fear and bigotry rather than debating the merits of policy has turned our already three-ring circus political culture into a full-on freak show.  


V. Despite media spin this wasn't a resurgence of the GOP. Most people despise them worse than they're annoyed with Democrats. This was a base midterm election. The GOP base was fired up.  The Democratic base just didn't show up. Blame apathy, sure. But place blame also squarely on a Democratic party and President that has failed to inspire it's base with watered down policy fixes. Blame a weak looking Democratic Party and President who always seemed to be bullied and on the defensive by a minority GOP. Blame a piss poor messaging campaign from a Congress and White House who can't seem to find their stride because they're too concerned with what the opposition might say. Oh yes, and having your press secretary and Chief of Staff insult the base (calling them f*ing retards and such) ain't exactly getting them out to the polls come election day.


VI.  What the media won't say--this was about wealthy white people (once again) tricking working class and poor white people to heavily vote against their own interests due to their fears (Black President, Muslims, Gays and Mexicans!). They aren't worried about jobs or fiscal responsibility. People who are worried about jobs don't vote in people who kill jobs bills, cut unemployment benefits and plan to run up the deficit in tax breaks to the wealthy. As usual, white America has to be saved from itself.


VII. Blue dogs lost big. In what is probably the greatest irony, the very reason the Dems and President Obama watered down all of their rather uninspiring policies was because of these "conservative Democrats." They lost near 30 seats! 26 seats. Their once near 50 54 caucus has been cut in half is in the teens. Blue Dog Queen Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, case in point. Unions spent millions sending up a progressive primary challenger against her--who nearly all polls showed would have likely been able to win. White House, in its "protect Blue Dogs at all costs" strategy, decides to actively work against the Unions and gloats when they manage to squeak Lincoln by. She lost in a landslide. Turns out people just go with the straight up Republicans over the Dems who are Republican-lite. Go figure!  Note to White House--siding with Blue Dogs at the expense of your base equals big time FAIL.


VIII. Expect full tilt insanity in the coming two years, as GOP will attempt to obstruct and blame the Dems and White House. Worked well for them since 2008. Why give up now? Of course, we'll see how well their lockstep coalition works when it comes to governing. Start looking for the fractures around Rand Paul. Challenge will be for White House and Dems to out-strategize them, and force them to take responsibility. But that would mean alot of "spinal fortitude."


IX. Glimmer of good news- Congressional seats are only 2 yrs. They can all be taken back in 2012. To recharge the base will take two things--the GOP making dumb overreaching moves (which is a guarantee), and the President creating a bold vision and making bold moves with an insurgent Dem party that inspires and mobilizes those forces in 2008 to come back to the voting booth.


X. Bring. Howard. Dean. Back. Now.


Those are my early morning ramblings...whew. Out of my system. Now, back to some good sci fi...

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