PrologueI, too, will return to the dry dust no matter my trepidation of that impending, eternal oblivion. No sort of contrivances of an ever existing soul, will make it so. We are no greater than ants or fig leaves. Not religion, devotion to rituals, heart-felt sermons or passionate prayers heaped together from all the populated worlds will ever change that.Men and women, as they are born, will come to the same demise. Which is death, with nothing afterwards. As the scriptures so plainly state, the dead know nothing. As the moments that slip by prove over and over, no one who has ever been hated or loved has ever come back, or will.Until my time, I savor the blood of those that give me longevity and vitality. Occasionally I will dine on one of these special prey, along with the choicest wines as treat.One must have periodic indulgences, and I have my preferences, my inclinations.Age has given me power over men, and they call me god.They call me god.- - DommPrologue....Part 2 coming soon.After I post Part 2 of the Prologue, I would like to get your thoughts on the Prologue as a whole.Peace and Blessings

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