A. We do not know how to operate a modern day 3D camera yet nor have the product worthy of such visuals so budget constraints are ever so present.


B. We have not as of yet downloaded or upgraded to the top of the line digital software used to make tent-pole extravagant motion pictures or media so the quality of our craftsmanship is in doubt to the green-lighting investors.


C. Our current black owned or black run TV channels have no vision beyond the standard norm status quo and literally shun black sci-fi and super heroic cartoon animation that would vastly increase the revenue stream thus keeping us in limbo behind the 8 ball forever.


D. Black Hollywood is a rudderless ship sailing aimlessly that needs "Help" more than the movie "The Help" itself does and is in desperate need of a reboot or some brand new visionaries to alter our course dramatically.


E. Black Militancy is ruining Black Sci-fi because brothas is "Too Hard" to wear primary colored spandex or "Go where no man has ever gone" outside the box into deep space and get that money due to it not being considered cool by gangsta (c)rap hip hop standards!



F. All of the above.




Discuss civilly because any and all input is welcome.




















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