The Rosewood Contingency Plan!

Okay you finally came up big and built your own futuristic city. You own skyscrapers, banks, airlines and several professional sports franchises. You have amusement parks and large shopping malls. You are an entertainment mogul with TV stations and your own space orbiting satellite to service viewers worldwide. Your car dealerships sell cars under your family brand name. Vacation villas galore and prime real estate for your leisurely pleasure. You are balling beyond the ridiculous norm.


But... Haters gonna hate and blockers gonna block!


Due to a different skin color that covers your frame a plan is set to disrupt and dismantle your empire from within and from without by those who would see you fall and fail miserably.


Are you prepared to handle your business?


What counter strategies will you implement to secure your new way of living?


Who are you employing to do the dirty work necessary to let freedom ring?







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