THOR to Black Thor?

Thor has made 251 million dollars worldwide.  Go Marvel!

Before the movie came out, racists tried to identify Thor as their personal god and knock Idris Elba's presence in the movie.  I thought that was funny.  History states that the myths of the Norse gods were actually inspired by myths of people of color who conquered the people eventually called Germanic.  That's not what this post is about though.

I actually wanted to focus on the wide variety of creativity that can come from applying greater artistry.  Yeah, Idris Elba can be a Norse god in a Thor movie, all influences of the myths considered.  Once again, that's not the point, creativity is!  Genuine artistry allowed for Indris' presence in the Thor movie.

I'm into genres now.  Genres assure a certain level of skillful creativity.  I'm getting more into it.  Marvel's Thor has risen to the level of fantasy.  It can even be called a Norse Fantasy.  People have said, "Thor had red hair!" and so on.  Actually, I'd give a tooth to see the original depiction of Thor by the "Norse" people.  Anyway, back to creativity.  QUESTION: If a White guy named Billy Bob has a magic hammer and runs around conquering evil, is a story about this guy a Norse Fantasy?  Interesting?  Why?  There is generic fantasy.  However, to put the label of Fantasy of a specific people, like Norse, is more difficult.  I think there is a level to rise to in the area of Fantasy genre writing. 


What do you think?






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