To ePub or not to ePub

Hello BSFS Members,

    Better put, what is the best way to make this happen?  I've been speaking with BookMasters, and basically, for about $560 dollars they will convert my book to an ePub book and make it available on Amazon (KIndle), Barnes & Noble (Nook), Apple (iPad) and other platforms. they charge $30 a year to list your book with these retailers.  

     I know there are other vendors like Lulu ($299) which can also convert my book, but bookmasters will not allow you to send them a converted file. The require that you allow them to do the conversion to list and use their distribution channel.

     So, my question is, what alternatives are there?  I'm hoping that some of you have already walked this path and can suggest some better ways to enter into the ebook market place.  Or if this is pretty much the best I can do, please keep it real with me and I'll move on.


Thanks, Alan

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