In NYC the AFF (Asian film festival) is in its second week. The majority of the films are art house,documentary,comedy, but the bread and butter of the festival are the action,sci fi horror films. Today i saw a interesting film. VAMPIRE GIRL VS FRANKENSTEIN GIRL, this film is from the same director and special effects artist that worked on MACHINE GIRL AND TOKYO GORE POLICE. This movie is kick#$% ,with a vampire love story,comedy,tons of blood/gore and over the top fights. Now I love Japanese culture, ANIME, GIANT MONSTERS/ROBOTS, SCHOOL GIRLS IN CUTE SALIOR SUITES, I DRINK SAPPARO BEER AND I EAT SUSHI. There is a small story plot in this film that deals with GANGURO GIRLS( Japanese girls that wear black face make up) This is a horror movie so the girls in the film wore crazy F#$% up SAMBO, COON make up and masks, Now I just saw Transformers Revenge yesterday and was offended by the NEGRO BOTS and to see black face in a Japanese movie the next day was like a shot gun blast to the face. I just want to know if any of you are aware of GANGURO COSPLAY IN JAPAN. JUST GOOGLE THE WORD AND YOU WILL SEE TONS OF PICS AND WEB SITES. I have seen pics of japanese girls that are brown skin,light skin and very dark skin. The girls I have seen do look pretty in black face but wow I hope the trend stays in japan If white girls or Asian girls in AMERICA pick it up there might be problems.
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