Vindicator is missing!!

Responding to calls from Earth to help combat the conspiracy against the Black Science Fiction Society, the Vindicator and his Black Ship Armada was attacked by an unidentified fleet of warships. This dastardly, cowardly attack occurred somewhere between Saturn and Jupiter.BSFS survey probes were sent out to investigate the site of the attack. All they discovered was a debris field comprising scattered fragments of Black ships, high levels of thermo-particle radiation and floating flash frozen corpses. Forensics droids have collected the bodies, but it appears that the Vindicator is not among the dead.We don't know for sure if this means that the Vindicator survived the attack. But one thing we are certain of, the Vindicator is missing.On a possibly related note, Ronald T. Jones is also missing...Coincidence? Or confirmation that Ronald T. Jones and the Vindicator are one and the same?Anyway, that's not important. The conspirators have drawn first blood. Their attack against an ally of the Black Science Fiction Society is a declaration of war!!They must pay!!!Are you with me BSFS?!?

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