Warnings on Butt Injections! Is It Really Worth It?

When you follow the basic disciplines for routine exercises and a clean diet you won’t need artificial enhancements to get the body that you desire! But yet some women are still willing to risk their lives seeking desperate measures for changing their body composition by injecting themselves with dangerous toxic chemicals as in the case of Shatarka Nuby (not shown) who was injected by Oneal Ron Morris…born a man (inset). Unbeknownst to her, she was injected with items including bathroom caulk, cement, Super Glue, Fix-A-Flat and mineral oil into the buttocks of her body. She died after being heard complaining of a burning sensation resulting from a blood infection in her hips that spread to her legs along with pneumonia-like symptoms. (source Google) Watch this video on the dangers of another near fatal attempt for butt injections and join our fitness challenge to find the safe and sure way to get the body that you want to have.

If you are looking to reshape, lift and/or tighten your glutes, working it out is the safest way to go; lunges, deadlifts, squats, donkey kicks, even walking on the treadmill with an incline can help you build a better butt. However, when you are building up your glutes you are also burning overall body fat percentages from your exercises. Our newest challenge is to start off with a controlled balanced diet of whole foods such as fruit, fresh uncooked or steamed vegatables, and lean cuts of meat. Then try 2 – 3 of these exercises 3 times a week combined with other exercises for your entire body, include plenty of water and walking. You will be surprised at how you can sculpt the body you want without extremely dangerous measures.



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