When you are with a crew you must beware of the crab in a barrel mentality arising amongst your peers.  This is when your partners rather keep you from making it because they want to be the first.  This is a strange concept because personally I would be happy for someone if they made it because I know that’s an opportunity.  Yet sadly most rappers are so selfish jealousy spawns from simple facts that they are better than you.

No one will ever admit to being jealous because deep down they know they are wrong for feeling that emotion.  Really that emotion is for the childish and immature girls but many rappers who claim to be men or adults feel it.  You need to get over that shit and you know who you are!  If you are mad to see someone else shine because you didn’t put in the work then its motivation to do better not reason to hate.

If it’s your time to shine you must watch the actions of your peers more intently.  People will tell you all day about how they are behind you but their actions don’t lie.  If they never hit the streets for you, never introduce you to people, or never put you on to anything yet want to shine with you BEWARE!  Jealous people put in position to help, would rather not in hopes that they will slow you down so they can overcome you.

Many people believe that if you make it then these people will snap out of it and be saved.  The reality of the scenario is the better you do the more they will hate you.  Even if you do more for them than anyone ever has, that anger will just get stronger.  That type of anger is serious; many have been killed for a lot less so you must deal with this immediately. 

To avoid tragedy you must cut those dudes the fuck off and don’t worry about that reply that you think you are too good for them.  Simple facts, if they are mad because you did the damn thing then you are better than them.  No point in disguising the truth and risking everything out of a false sense of loyalty.  Being loyal to people not loyal to you will bring you down in a hurry.  So please watch out because this is for real.

FROM http://downlopez.com/featured/crabs-in-a-barrel/

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