What Recession?

The recession. Job losses. Health Care Reform. Education. Budget Cuts. Furloughs. Lay Offs. Deficits.In no way, shape, or form do I mean to minimize any of these important happenings swirling in our midst, BUT how poor are Americans really?I just had the privilege of visiting Jamaica and literally became enthralled by the island's beauty, its' people, and its' POVERTY. The bottom line is, it isn't just by sheer luck that 2/3 of the world lives in unbelievable poverty. The truth is, these people live like this so that we can live our lives the way we do. Of course I'd seen shots of Jamaica before on television. I'm sure we all have. We've all witnessed the extreme poverty occurring in other nations from the safety of our living rooms or on our computer screens in our apartments (no matter how modest), and in our homes. However, when you see firsthand the tiny, tin roofed shacks in Negril that make America's housing projects look like mansions; when you speak to a wood artisan who lectures you about the sins of America, yet he still sees you as his Black American sista, it does something to the spirit. When you bear witness to the exchange rates (100 Jamaican dollars = roughly $1.37 American Dollars); it changes something about the thought process. When you stay in an exquisite 4 1/2 star resort run and managed by the Jamaican people, but OWNED by a wealthy European family, it speaks to you in ways beyond understanding.But then again, what am I willing to give up for equality? Am I willing to sacrifice my car, my access to technology, or my decent salary so that others may live as I do? The sad thing is... I have to think long and hard about that question and I'm not so sure of my answer. What is your answer to this? Are you willing to sacrifice your comfort for others?The bottom line is, Americans are comfortable. Even those of us who are struggling don't really know the meaning of poverty and trying times and RECESSION. People in other countries around the world live every day of their lives under extreme circumstances and I have no idea what I can do about it.

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