I know I'm just seeing this and maybe everybody done been seen it.
Or not.

At first, I was like come on.  all yall gon do is show the door slamming and the sheets moving?


It was way more than that. oiuja boards all that.

And the although it requires you to suspend all of your disbelief, once you get in the movie and their world then you really bug out right alongside them.

This is the premise. More or less.

girl born.
ghost or demon want f*c up girl.
girl run.
ghost or demon want burn house down.
girl go boyfriend.
ghost or demon want f*c up girl but want f*c up boyfriend first.
cause he in my business on what i'm tryna do.
boyfriend talk sh*t.
girl go argue boyfriend.
demon strenfs up off bad vibe.
girl _____________________

see the flick. don't wanna spoil it.

since i've seen it, I've been interested in all the ghost hunter shows on cable.

yo but we really need a ghetto ghost hunters show.
can you imagine it?

anyway, paranormal activity caught me completely by surprise.

conventions they use in it like making you wait, staring into darkness and hearing off camera footsteps work VERY effectively.

Highly recommended if you wanna get the isht scurred outta you. Or you wanna scurr somebody else.

yo i also wonder what has everyone ever experienced via the supernatural.

all the abduction/ghost stories involve white people.
now they done lied about everything else so ain't no surprise if they decide to lie here.
so i always wanted to know what have black folk experienced.

also you know what? i think all that ouija board sh*t and poltergeist stuff is us with unchecked or uncontrolled telekinesis.

don't know yet.
but that's my thoughts.

but go see paranormal activity.
rent that.
download it.

and scurr the shitt out yaself.

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