Draft of a book I'm writing: The Promise

I know there are some typos here but I wanted to get everyone's opinion on the chapter. This is chapter one of a murder mystery and the story of a dirty cop cleaning up his life because of a promise he made to his dying father:Chapter OneHours after the sun had gone down the streets were still busy with people. Ebony Samson followed her regular routine of working her corner of the street. Like most nights, potential Johns were searching through their pick of the litter. On an ordinary night, Ebony would be selected at least seven times. She often charged twice as much as the other women. The Johns always accepted the price. After all, she was worth every dollar. A young, tall and attractive dark skinned female, Ebony’s clothing did little to mask the tone shapely figure beneath it. What stood out most about the beauty were her seductive eyes. They resembled a woman born of an Asian ancestry, and in addition of her extraordinary green eyes, men found them impossible to resist.Well passed 2 a.m., Ebony observed a long dark car turning the corner at the end of the block. The vehicle hesitated at almost every girl, asked a few questions, than moved to the next. When the car stopped at her corner, the passenger window was halfway down. Ebony approached, leaning over close to the open window. She smiled as she saw the two Caucasian men. This type rarely came into the neighborhood, but when they did, the money was good.“Hi, my name is Ebony. Looking for some fun?” she asked.The man closest to her seemed to be looking down at something in his lap. At first, Ebony thought he was admiring his own penis. Then she realized there was an open folder sitting there. The man glanced over to the driver, nodding. The driver put a broad smile on his face. “We are looking for a good time, baby,” he responded.The man closest to Ebony turned toward her. He did not offer a smile. His dark eyes were distant, lacking emotion. He spoke, “We’d like to go somewhere private.”She batted her eyes at him. “It’ll cost you,” she said.“Don’t worry, we got plenty,” the driver replied.A snapping sound caused her to turn. Ebony realizes it is the backdoor latch releasing. The man in the passenger seat finally smiled when her eyes return to him. She regarded his strained grin as unpleasant. A warning bell resounded in her head. Ebony considered not getting into the vehicle, but just as she reared away, the driver retrieved a rolled up bundle of cash from his shirt pocket.“I told you baby, we got plenty of money,” he ensured her. The driver must have realized his friend was frightening her, because he tapped the passenger on his shoulder with his hand. “Will you ease up, man? Can’t you see she’s scare?” the driver questioned him.The passenger shrugged, his course smile became pleasant. “Sorry. I had a rough day,” he said in a gentle voice.Feeling more at ease, Ebony drew herself close to the window once more. She ignored the chiming of the warning bells. “I can ease your pain, honey,” she promised.The window lowered revealing more of the two men’s faces. Her eyes darted down at the open folder. The man quickly sealed it. Ebony could have sworn she seen an old picture of herself, but, that was impossible, she did not know these men and they could not have known her.The passenger motioned his head toward the back. “Get in, Ebony. We’re going someplace private.”She eagerly entered the car with the memory of the bundle of money. With luck, she would not have to work for the remainder of the night. She would give these men the best time of their lives, go home, shower and sleep. Of course, that belief was only a pipe dream. She had responsibilities at home to tend to first before she could rest.The automobile pulled away. It drove several blocks and entered the driveway of Mike’s Motown Motel. The two men apparently had a room readied. The dark car parked on the far side of the business, they were clearly avoiding the check-in clerk. The driver turned and stared at her. His eyes traveled Ebony’s body from top to bottom. She spread her legs apart revealing the fact she wasn’t wearing any panties.“Like what you see?” she asked.The driver’s tongue wiped slowly across his perched lips. “Umm, you’re one beautiful African princess, baby.”The other man had exited the car, scanning the area. Ebony supposed he didn’t want to be caught with a woman of the night. He stuck his head into the car, glancing first at Ebony than at his friend. “It’s clear.”The driver winked at her. “Let’s go, baby. Heaven awaits,” he said before opening his door. Ebony followed suite, exiting the backseat. The second man was all ready standing in front of one of the motel doors. The lock must have been giving him trouble. He worked at opening it for a long moment.“Need some help,” she offered. Just then, she could hear a harsh cracking noise. She jumped at the sudden sound. The two men appeared too searched around for several seconds. The bell in Ebony’s head was getting louder. “Is something wrong?” she asked.The man by the door entered the room not speaking. The friendlier of the two men wrapped his arm over Ebony’s bare shoulder. “Nothing is wrong, baby,” he assured her. He motioned for her to walk with him. She did not resist.She noticed small fragments of wood on the floor of the entrance doorway. She tried to examine the entryway, but the large frame of the man holding her blocked Ebony’s view. Releasing her, the man closed the door behind him, sending the room into utter darkness. The other man she realized was in the bathroom. It too was dark, except for a faint red glow that moved purposefully about it. The red light traveled out of the bathroom and into the front room. The man shined it in Ebony’s eyes.“What’s happening?” she questioned.“Shut the hell up, bitch,” the man standing by the door said. His voice no longer carrying the flirtatious hints he express outside the room. His hands pressed against her shoulders, forcing Ebony down to her knees. “Scream and we’ll hurt you,” he said. His voice as dark as the room.“What’s this all about? What did I do,” she said beginning to cry. She heard a metallic sound coming from the direction of the man with the light. His footsteps echoed across the darkness as he approached her. The light journeyed from her front, to her side, eventually ending behind her.The man with the light spoke, “You actually wanted to screw this whore, didn’t you?”Ebony didn’t hear anything else from the men. Her thoughts were elsewhere. She knew these were her last moments on this earth. The crimson beam was casting Ebony’s shadow on a nearby wall. The image was unsteady as the flashlight’s owner stirred behind her.She recalled the old picture she caught a glimpse of in the car and finally realized why the two men were about to slay her. Ebony returned to Detroit thinking she could leave the past behind, but the past it seems, wouldn’t leave her behind. She felt a cold object pressing firmly against the back of her skull. An instant later, the warning bells in her head had finally ended. The wall’s sinister cherry shade was no longer being cast by the red glow. It was painted with Ebony’s blood.

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