From my debut novel "Inside Awake".

"Inside Awake" Book trailer available for viewing on my profile. please check it out.For those who are interested, and would care to support, it can be purchased at or or through the publisher, Eloquent Books.David Woodall is a successful physicist to the outside world, but inside he is a slave to his past with an alcoholic and abusive father.Dr. Sharon Geraldo (Geri) is an overachiever. As the child of an emotionally distant father, Geri’s need for approval dominates every aspect of her life.When the United Nations investigates massive loss of life around a lake in Africa and a government satellite links the incident to a radio signal originating from a structure deep within the Sunda Trench, Geri is asked to lead a team of scientists and military personnel to uncover it’s secrets.After the team inexplicably disappears, Woodall must confront his demons and a powerful shadowy organization before it’s too late for him and for his colleagues.How will these two lives intersect and what will they learn from one another? Can each overcome their pasts to fulfill their destinies?Inside Awake is the deftly suspenseful/psychological sci-fi debut novel by Romé Sims. It’s peppered with candid personal terrors of the human condition while setting a highly suspenseful plot filled with surprise twists and turns.Excerpt: Taken from "Saltopus" chapter 11The military team immediately drew their weapons to the ready position as the darkness surrounding the group gradually lifted.“What the hell just happened? A second ago we were looking at a bright light in a room four miles beneath the ocean,” said Dickerson.“I don’t know. Harris, what’s our position?”“Something tells me we’re not in Kansas anymore,” Danny Boy whispered nervously.Harris removed a GPS device from his pocket.“I got nothin’, Sergeant. I got nothin’.”“What do you mean nothing, soldier?”“No signal, sir. I got no signal.”“It must be malfunctioning. Dickerson, Tank, check yours.”“He’s right, sir. Nothing overhead to triangulate with,” said Tank.“Same here,” said Dickerson. “I can’t get a signal either.”“Check for interference.”A large thunderous sound reverberated through the forest. Sergeant Davidson held up a closed fist prompting everyone to become silent and stationary. With hand signals only, he motioned his men to take up defensive positions fifteen yards out on the perimeter—two men forward at the eleven and one o’clock, two men rear at the four and seven o’clock, and one man at the nine o’clock position. The sergeant then attempted to contact the Argo. He activated his tactical headset, then adjusted his microphone to whisper mode.“Black jackal to foxhole, over; black jackal to foxhole, over; do you read, foxhole? Foxhole, this is black jackal, over.”He checked the transmitter.“Radio check, radio check, over.”His team responded. Trying to sound confident, he addressed the civilian scientist.“There must be some type of interference with the radio signal that’s keeping us from transmitting long range. Anybody care to take a swag at where we are?”“What’s a swag?” asked Doctor Stolte.“A scientific wild ass guess. Anybody want to give it a shot?”The team reached the lake at the most inopportune time of the day. The sun had risen to its highest point, causing the temperature to soar well above one hundred and twenty-five degrees. Tank brought the group to a halt with a closed-fist hand signal. He put his forefinger to his lips, indicating silence. They stood on the far shore, listening and watching.“It’s so hot, I’m tempted to go for a swim,” Doctor Stolte whispered.An eerily quiet filled the air. The absence of sound was noticeable to all but a lone squawking Pterosaur gliding a foot above the water’s surface. Reptiles that usually scavenged noisily along the shore watched it in silence as a prehistoric drama began to unfold. The aerial acrobat drew the teams’ attention as it soared gracefully. It circled an area near the middle of the lake, zeroing in on a small school of fish feeding on the surface. Its oddly crested snout and toothy jaws were well suited for grasping fish.As the Pterosaur opened its tiny teeth-filled jaws to feed, a large crocodile-like reptile broke through the surface with tremendous force. Its mouth agape, it snapped once and missed the Pterosaur. Still ascending vertically, it twisted its massive body in mid air, snapping at the primitive avian twice more. The intensity of the attack sent a shower of water over the flyer, stunning it. It struggled to stay aloft. The Protosuchus made a final attempt to secure its elusive meal as it descended. It grabbed the flying reptile in its jaws and disappeared beneath a wall of water. Panic set in on shore.“I don’t think I feel like swimming anymore,” Doctor Stolte said with a blank face.

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