XIII (Part 1 of prologue)

XIII tells the story of a Los Angeles bounty hunter (Avery Hudson) who is hired by a bail bondsman who happens to be the devil. Avery is tracking a Hollywood actor (Jason Peters) who sold his soul for 13 years of fame and fortune. Instead of Peters giving up his soul, he went on the run.PrologueWith his gaze temporarily diverted toward the yellow flash of lightning that lit the night sky, an alarming truth crossed his thoughts, t he storm is coming in faster than anticipated. The wind had begun to pick up its pace, making his dangerous task that much more complex. He would have to move faster.The thief stood backward on the ledge of the hotel rooftop, his feet apart. He scrutinized the nylon static cord once more. The cord, fixed firmly across the metal clamp had passed his final inspection. Confident, he smiled underneath the oxygen mask. Adding slack through the metal clamp, he took one-step backward placing his feet onto the side of the building. Scaling down the wall several inches, his body configured into a letter L shape. He was now in position. Bending his legs inward, he immediately thrust himself away.His body seemed to float in mid air as he descended. This routine was continued each time his feet made contact with the wall's surface. When the thief reached his desired level, he halted his freefall. Locking the harness into place, he counted the number of windows to his right flank. He needed to be in front of the seventh window. Walking sideways across the building, he reached his objective.His body swayed heavily in the breeze. The squalling wind at this height threatened the thief's plans. Suspended in air, he struggled to maintain his fragile balance. Gaining a footing on the window's ledge, he glanced at the gauge strapped on his wrist. He saw that the wind surpassed 29 knots. If not for his insulated climbers suit and oxygen mask, he would have succumbed to unconsciousness or fell victim to the bitter cold wind.Dangling against the one-inch thick glass, he stared inside spying the dark room. The accommodations reflected an odious bright green through the lens of the night vision goggles. As he expected, no one was present in the room. Retrieving a cutting apparatus from his utility belt, he examined the four corners of the window. No alarms , he thought.Placing the suction cup against the glass, he cut out a large neat spherical hole from the window. Tapping lightly around the suction cup, he gave it a vigorous push. The glass surrendered under his weight. He let it drop to the plush carpeted floor inside without a care. The wind ripped into the newly formed opening, causing a loud whistling rumble. He secured the bottom of the rappelling rope to the ledge with anchors keeping it taunt.The wind forced its way into the room. The thief had to move quickly. He positioned himself more securely onto the window's slender ledge. Unfastening the rappelling rope, he held himself aloft by clinging onto the windowpane. Although the anchors held the rope in place, it swayed slightly in the wind outside the window sounding like a guitar string being tuned.Retrieving a custom-made Italian pistol crossbow from his side, he loaded it with an arrow. Attached to it was a thin steel wire. He fired through the breach, propelling the projectile across the room and into a far wall. On impact, the head of the arrow opened, releasing sharp hooks, grappling itself to the wall. Attaching the new line to the rappelling cable, he created a horizontal pathway into the room. He hoisted himself up onto the line and into a bedroom.The accommodations were vacant. The hotel suite belonged to a Princess Foluke, the daughter of a visiting dignitary that was here to arrange a new trade agreement with the American government. They were from a small African nation no one has ever heard of called, Zambomo. She and her staff were attending a gala thrown in her father's honor by the Governor of California.Lowering himself to the floor, he studied his surroundings. The thief had memorized a diagram of the suite. According to it, the wall safe was located in the sitting room. The bedroom allowed direct access. Carefully opening the door, he glanced into the adjacent room. The area was thrown into a green haze as he scanned it from side to side. His eyes stopped, finding the replica painting of Van Gogh's, ‘ Saint Remy. ' His source had told him that behind the work of art would be the wall safe.The thief walked directly to the print and lifted it from the wall revealing the door to the safe. The sizeable sum he paid for the layout of the suite was turning out to be worth every penny.Retrieving drilling equipment from his utility belt, he wasted no time boring into the reinforced metal. The sound of the drill would have to be risked to achieve his objective--ten million dollars worth of jewelry awaited the thief inside the vault.His informant ensured him that security would not be there until the princess returned from the party. After all, the room was on the 60 th floor of the Grand Hotel of California, and the front door would be electronically sealed. There was no need for security to remain. So far, his informant had been correct and it wasn't the time to start second-guessing him now.Amadi Dumont was bored to no end as he stood guard outside the door of Princess Foluke suite. With recent threats made by American protestors against the dignitary and his family, security had been increased in the last 24 hours. Unlucky for Amadi, he was selected to baby sit the hotel room while the rest of the detail enjoyed a gala with the royal family.When a strange whining sound disrupted the silent hallway, he blinked in surprise, and said aloud in his native language, “Where is that coming from?” He doubted the noise came from the room but because of its nearness knew there was no other place it could have come from.Drawing his gun, he typed in the code into the door's electronic keypad. Its latch unlocked and the guard pressed his shoulder against the door as he opened it. With his weapon extended, he switched on the lights and surveyed the room.The thief stopped drilling when he thought he heard a door opening. He was certain the sound came from another section of the suite. Retrieving a knife from his jacket, he spun around. He wished he had brought a gun, though he doubted he would ever use it, he was a thief not a killer. Light from the outer room shimmered in the thin space beneath the door. He watch in horror as a shadow moved into the glow. It was getting larger.Someone is in the next room is approaching the door, he thought .

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