Yes BSFS, Incus Interactive Productions LLC has been confirmed as a OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) hardware partner for Valve Corporation's Steam Machine Linux based OS. Please check out this link for what an OEM is @ for more information

 on Steam OS @ and the video below.

The Steam Machine is a revolutionary type of game device, that basically takes the overhead away of building and maintaining a gaming focused PC. The power of the Steam Machine gives a powerful independent platform for gamers and game developers to play and develop on. The Steam Machine/OS is not confined to Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, or even Valve themselves since Linux is an open source operating system. Of course, the Steam Machine/OS is own by Value, but it's very open ended and independent at the same time. The controller is a work in itself, because Value is trying to combine the features of keyboard and mouse into a traditional like game controller.   

As Incus is an indie OEM, we would like to ask BSFS, what type of games and/or Steam Machines would you all in the future? Maybe custom BSFS Steam Machine? Or some along the lines....


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