Hey guys! I just got tipped off to this site and forum by a friend of mine and he encouraged me to share an animated effort taking place in southeastern Michigan being created and led by yours truly. First, thank you for the warm welcome and for two of our concept pieces featuring our characters to be featured on the front page!


As to our venture  - It is called The ARMSmasters Project and it is an ode to all things action-fantasy, anime, super heroics and  action adventure. This is a 2d animation short film being produced in house by my studio and we're looking to raise awareness of it and to raise the funds necessary to support it via Kickstarter.

The ARMSmasters Project on Kickstarter


ARMSmasters features a large and diverse ensemble cast of characters in a world of common place magic and super powered martial arts. I'm excited and anxious to have people check out our progress so far on it. Please take a look!






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