Impatient Sensibilities

inception of untimed exactitudes borne of almost infinite unproximity brought soft lined shackling to me. the rhymed dance of bliss with similarities bore me to ignorant unrealities. the incompleteness of the matched severed the bond save an unravelling strand of patience.

on the flagstone of my essence is etched the unsurity of destinedinterlocking of unlike keys. departure spanning moons shatters gatheredbravado, false wholeness to a thousand shards. they cut deep into myinner substance driving me to the despair of a bereaved dove.

Ifloat in a never-ending story, bound to the suspense ofunpredictability as I feed from the hand of fate. bound to the tetherof sentiment, I circumscribe my limited world. my sustenance is limitedto what is handed me and I cannot take more. in this keep I must tarry,till my keeper grants me the grace of favoured company.

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