I need an editor!!!


Whelp!  I'm almost done with my first novel "Ruins of the Fall- Tree of Might" and I'm going to need an editor.  I had my last book "Squirrels & Puppies: Dark Morality Tales" professionally edited at a discount through an old classmate at Fisk University and it worked out really well for me.  Unfortunately, the editor (a devout Christian) expressed her disinterest in reading works like mine (extremely dark and weird), so I strongly doubt she'd be willing to edit my next book (which is darker). 

I like to play with the ideas of morality, race, and religion, utilizing the odd display of graphic violence, and if you're up to the task (estimated 150,000 words) I'd be happy to negotiate a price with you. 

Otherwise, I'll just have to bite the bullet and send it to Kirkus.com.

I really need someone to comment on the story's flow and characters.

Thanks again!

Here's the cover

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