The 'Game Plan' for being Creative....

If you've ever watched any of the Monty Python Television episodes or tons of movies made by them directly or singly by different members of the crew, you know these dudes know how to grapple with 'creativity' and get something out of her.

Here's a lecture from Python founding member John Cleese concerning the '5 Steps for being Creative'. In a nutshell, the steps are:

1. Space - As in give yourself space to let your mind wander uninterrupted.

2. Time - As in allot yourself a certain amount of time to get into the Creative Mode of  Thinking.

3. Time - This one means to allow yourself time to figure out the problem to a better end.

4. Confidence - As in while you're in the 'Creative Mode' no answer is 'wrong'.

5. Humor - Don't mistake 'seriousness' for 'solemnity'. Humor and seriousness can coexist.

So if you've got about a half-hour, take a look at this and listen to Mr. Cleese break it down. This applies especially to Scriptwriters because all too often, we must be creative with a deadline pending. Knowing how to cut through potential blocks or avoid them altogether is a valuable tool indeed!

Oh, and pay specific attention to Mr. Cleese's joke about how many Televison Executives it takes to screw in a light bulb. The answer is illuminating....

John Cleese on 'Creativity'

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