Thought an updateable thread might be a nice way to organize links.
Drop your links and updates in the comments so we can all update from our blogs, and such with the releases of group members, and links to our POC brethren floating around out there in the Aether. <3
Who else is writing Afro/POC steam that hasn't posted here about it?
Open up a thread and share the wealth <3
The word will be spread.
note: MM Carter's work will post at HF soon, as well as a few others
(click the direct link to submit yours... Works with intense adult themes will have a warning label but are acceptable.)
Here's a recent post from HuemindFantastic (direct link):
Afrikan Steampunk / AfroSteam (updateable post)
image: Yinka Shonibare
We’ve posted Afrosteam intel in other spots, but as Huemind Fantastic was constructed to provide a centralized location it bears repeating and updating with new developments *_^
What many of us consider to be ‘not there’, usually is, but hasn’t reached our radar yet.
For instance how many know there’s a steampunk group at BSFS? Excerpts, and images abound there, with previews of what's to come to focus on Black, POC, and include some Euro Steam intel as well.
There's also Beyond Victoriana is doing its fairshare to highlight underrepresentation in Steampunk, covering the delights of Yinka Shonibare, to the Brazilian Steampunkmovement and so forth. An additional champion of underrepresented Steamis Jaymee Goh, also a keeper of brilliant grey matter whose done a fairbit posting at her own blog Silver Goggles, as well as at
At Steampunk empire, wonderful cross-cultural discussions have taken place with a warm, and excitedly communicative flow regarding diversity in steampunk. Please visit to share your good word. Here and Here. Gorgeous images have also been discovered by the hand of Miriavas, and the under-reported history of POC cowboys as been uncovered by The Squire.
Of distinct interest to you may be the works of Yinka Shonibare.
The YA Afrosteam/Faerypunk of Wonderdark
image: Dazjae Zoem/PurpleZoe
The Steamed Sword and Soul grandeur of Milton Davis’ Sivads
image: Eugene Young
(pardon the low-res it’s an advance view
accompanying the tale in The Black Fae antho *_^ image: Dazjae Zoem)
image: PZ (low res preview image.
Look for the high-res image in Purple Mag Issue 9)
One cannot forget Sir Marcus Broaddus satirical ‘Pimp My Airship’ novelette published by APEX books either *_^

(couldn't find a story image---may do some fan
art-- posted a pic of Sir Broaddus instead)
Just found The Effluent Engine by Sister N.J Jeminsin via Beyond Victoriana
(in lieu of story image author image has been provided *_^)
If you know of more, we definitely wish to spread the word. Contact us or submit an article
Keep an eye on the Steam updates in Purple Mag’s regular issues, and Steam-themed issues.
Shine on
-PZ a.k.a Melanina Starfield