image: from Afrofantasy.net -Discontinuity post
Sir Troy Wiggins's has what appears to be a steam-serial running at his Afrofantasy group *_^
I'd post an excerpt but don't know if he'd be cool with that so click the link below and peek your head in.
Still multi-tasking on this end but some of the writers in this group haven't posted what they're pens are up to, it appears. A few of us post regularly but I wonder how many are keeping quiet about what they're working on?
As time permits I'm checking around and will also be posting promos here, in the mag, and at Steampunk Empire, for those I knew about in advance. If I miss anyone, don't be shy. Let me know. If I haven't posted about it yet, I haven't found it, or am organizing a promo post about it in-between Mag, Antho, and Wonderdark duties. Either way. if I hear of an Afrosteam Or POCsteam project I'll spread word about it through at least one of the channels I frequent when I log in.
Shine on