Two Local Standard Hours later, Project Leader Alicechild sat in the Main ConMod Seat overlooking her two researchers as they stood before the Main Hardlight Console and the forward bulkhead in viewing mode.

     The Engineer chose the researchers Gany and Hurzex due to their high observational skills and level emotional characters. Gany was a Human from the Planet Hermacis. The harsh conditions forced the early surviving colonists to transform genders as needed. After thousands of years, Hermacians learned to master the one-way process and could change genders at will. Gany currently operated as a female Mod - 2.2.

     Hurzex was an alien whose species the Hydrae were conquered twenty-five thousand ESY’s ago during the ‘Terraforming Wars.’ The multi-limbed proto-reptilian was asexual though its species tended towards aggressive behavior during procreation periods. With hormone inhibitors applied via Hurzex’s PBM, such behavior was rendered inert.


     Inside the Containment Field Safe-Zone were her two Weapons Technicians First-Class Amber and Senior Tech Joehnz. Technician Amber was a Human Female Mod - 2.2 from the HEPHESTUS System.

     When HEPHESTUS Corporation accepted the joint merger with rivals PROMETHEUS Group and ZEUS Interstellar Industries, during the restructuring period many corporate employees were targeted for ‘Contract Terminations’. Those with the means fled to Neutral Systems held by the Milkyway Galactic Authority seeking asylum or contracted with rival corporations looking to acquire inside information from the ‘Big Three’.


     Amber was one of the lucky ones as she was young enough to be recruited by ARES Corporation. The rest of her family was not so lucky. Senior Joehnz was native to ARES 04 and came from a long line of working-class Corporate Technicians. As a Mod - 2.3 Human Male, he was the first in his family to achieve such high modification and worked his way up without benefit of social or corporate connections. The duo were top of the line Techs and worked well with Alicechild on past projects.


     Lastly were the Human MWGA Special Forces Operations Technician First-Class Mangor 067 and the two Biomech Manu’s CAB 301 and SPOT 0114. Of anyone on the Team, Technician Mangor shared a similar history as Alicechild. His zygote had also been sold to a Colonization Bank by his DNA Donors.

     Unlike the Project Leader, Mangor was found to have high modification potential while still in Incubation. He was sold to the MWGA for Military Training and became a Mod - 3.5! Currently on ‘Shore Duty Rotation’, the SpecFor took being stationed with the EXWEPFAC to be a nice ‘soft tour’.


     Alicechild signaled all her team members via her PHUD and their viz feed boxes appeared within her viewing area showing green borders meaning they were all set and standing by. She glanced over her shoulder where SpecFor Mangor stood ready in his black Combat Grade PBM. He was a sober reminder of what was at stake.

     A ready chime sounded in the Project Leader’s PHUD and the Chamber AI stated, “Project Leader Alicechild 88130, the Transfer Facility Transport has arrived with the Secure Bolstered Olla Level X. Do you wish to initiate delivery?”


     Taking a deep breath Alicechild braced herself and replied, “Standby on Delivery Test Chamber.” The ‘Standby’ graphic flashed in her PHUD and on the Forward Bulkhead Display and to the Senior Technician she gave her first command as Project Leader. “Initiate Chamber Reception Protocols.”


     The Engineer watched intently as the Senior Tech and his Second orchestrated the Micro-Crotanium holding frame into position and raised the energized containment field in time with the heavily sealed Test Chamber door opening. Instants later, a green border flashed over the target opening and the Senior Tech said, “Chamber is ready for transfer Project Leader.” Alicechild waited until the two Biomechs stepped into the Tech’s places while Joehnz and Amber retired into the Secure Secondary Monitoring Module.


     A sudden summons on her PHUD from a secure line had little effect towards breaking Alicechild’s concentration as she curtly said, “Accept.” It was Director Shasta.

“Greetings Director. As you can see on your viz feed, I am prepared to receive the Device.”


     With his usual calm the Director replied, “If you don’t mind, I’ll be monitoring delivery of the Device. However, keep in mind I have complete faith in you and your team. The rest of the R&D Department will be at your disposal should the need arise.”

     Seeing the Biomechs signal their readiness Alicechild replied, “Thank you for your support Director Shasta and the support of the R&D Department.” The Director’s viz feed cut and the Project Leader said, “Test Chamber, signal for Delivery.”


     The massive, many layered heavy Testing Chamber Receiving Door opened and a Transport and Delivery Pod stopped flush at the Door’s edge. The Pod’s AI relayed through the ConMod’s main display as it said, “This is Transfer Facility Delivery Pod 7110 initiating transfer of Classified ‘BOX’ 0187. Please give voice authorization code for delivery.” 

     Alicechild’s voice caught in her throat. For some reason, she suddenly did not want to give authorization for delivery. A wave of dread washed over her and something deep inside screamed for her to abort!

     Calming herself with the facts there was too much at stake, while too many important eyes were on her and depending on the project’s success to back out now.

“This is EXWEPFAC R&D Project Leader Alicechild 88130. ARES Corp Authorization code: LB-HJ-861945-U92. Transfer the BOX.”

     The series of code imbedded in the authorization unlocked a series of graphics resembling locks displayed on the main display and the AI replied, “Authorization code accepted. Transferring Classified BOX.”


     All present for the delivery of the Device watched in silence as the BOX exited the Pod via Transfer Beam. Soon as it cleared the Chamber’s threshold, a secondary beam took control over the large charcoal gray BOX and the Chamber Door and Containment Field sealed shut. The fast closing door caused a minor tremor in the ConMod which made Alicechild feel the team’s odds of completing the evaluation unscathed had also been sealed by her action.


     The Biomechs CAB and SPOT quickly maneuvered the BOX into position within the Holding Frame and secured it with the Material Clamps. Wary of any signs of problems, Alicechild looked to the Integrity Status of the Biomech’s Industrial Grade PBM’s. After seeing what happened to the other Manu’s wearing standard gear, she ordered the Heavy Duty versions which were comparable in durability to the SpecFor’s Combat Grade PBM.

     All checked ‘one hundred percent’ and the Project Leader said, “Senior Technician, activate the Secondary containment field and prepare to open the BOX.”

     The Senior Tech acknowledged the order and the Secondary containment field flashed into being. The ConMod filled with the glow of the two energy field’s mixture of gold and blue light.

“Engineer Hurzex, increase visual filters by thirty-five percent.”

     The Hydraen’s four upper appendages went swiftly into action and the Display’s filters reduced both the intensity and saturation of the two energy field’s light.

     Looking to the Hermacian Alicechild commanded, “Engineer Gany, confirm Holding Frame Integrity.”

      After a high-speed check Gany replied, “Holding Frame at one-hundred percent Project Leader.” It was then Senior Weapons Tech Joehnz’s green ‘Ready’ chime flashed on the Main Display.

     Again Alicechild took a deep breath and saw her anxiety levels showed no sign of lowering. Resolved to get the work done, she gave the command everything within her was screaming against.

“Open the BOX Senior Technician.”

     At the Senior’s input of the Bolstered Olla’s Authorization Code, the upper half of the reinforced Micro-Crotainum container began to separate into smaller plates. Section by section, layers peeled away and as they did, all eyes stayed fastened to the pair of containment field’s integrity levels.

     When the inner layers peeled away, the BOX’s Internal Containment Field pinged the Senior’s display for the secondary Authorization Code. Senior Joehnz gave a look to the First-Class Tech and said, “Here’s where we earn our Capital Chits.” Amber gave a wry unconvincing smile and Joehnz input the final code.

     The white glow of the Internal Containment Field dissipated and was replaced with a slight copper-colored radiance. Technician Amber gave a slow whistle and queried, “What the fuck is that thing made of to need Level Ten containment? You could fire off a brace of ancient ‘Cobalt Bombs’ inside that thing and wouldn’t notice!”


     On the Senior’s display the Project Leader’s viz feed came on and she said, “All right Senior Technician, take it out so we can have a look.”

     Working in concert with the Biomechs inside the Chamber, the Techs manipulated the Manual Grasping Arms to lift the large chunk of ice with the density of crystal out of the fortified container. With all the failed attempts to manipulate the device using energy-based technologies, Senior Joehnz suggested they use this ancient method.

     Apparently the proceedure was working for the grasping arms lifted the heavy block out where it was then easily supported by the Holding Frame. The contact points of the frame fired anchoring bolts into the block making it fast within the frame.

     Alicechild ignored her anxiety and heart rate stats as they showed the obvious while she gazed upon the block. The Engineer would have turned them off, but safety protocol dictated otherwise.

     Leaning forward in the chair Alicechild said, “Hurzex, Magnification 2 on the Device.”

     The Forward Display brought forth a secondary viz feed box and all in the ConMod could see within the smoky ancient ice, the gently pulsing copper glow of the EROS Device. The Project Leader’s mouth suddenly went dry as she said, “Begin evaluation.”


     At the command, the spherical Holding Frame was rotated into different positions as the device was scanned. The data coming in was exactly the same as the decathousands of initial scans before this one.

     Disregarding the ice encasing the Device and despite the artifact being the size of a small human child, it had no discernable weight. Also inconclusive were the tests on its material composition and quantum signature. It being called ‘Extramaterial’ was no doubt correct. There was no indication the artifact was from the Milkyway Galaxy. Perhaps, not even from this universe!


     Right away, Alicechild could tell this was a waste of time and energy. They did not have the means by which to conduct a proper test. Everything they were doing had already been done thousands of times and failed. Somewhere along the line, those previous tests activated the device at some level and the results were catastrophic.

     Alicechild felt it was time to listen to the screaming inside her and said, “Stop the tests.”

     The pair of researchers looked at her quizzically and the Hermacian queried, “Did you say ‘stop the tests’ Project Leader?” Her usually flat expression changed as her eyes narrowed and Alicechild snapped, “Affirmative! Maintain containment integrity  protocols.”


     No sooner had the scans ceased, Alicechild’s PHUD got pinged with an incoming viz feed. It was the Director.

     Alicechild sat quietly as all waited unsure of what was going on. Suddenly the Chamber AI announced, “Project Leader, you are being summoned by Director Shasta via secure visual feed.”

     With her hand on her chin the Engineer said, “I am aware Test Chamber. Just a moment.” An instant later Alicechild said, “Test Chamber, cut the Director’s viz feed for two point five minutes.”

     The ping suddenly stopped and the Project Leader said, “People, we have two point five minutes to come up with a way to look at this thing which no one else has thought of. There is no guarantee even that will produce any viable results. So if anyone has any ideas, speak now because in two minutes we’ll all be out of a job.”

     One by one the researchers, technicians and the biomechs put forth possibilities but all had been tried before. Alicechild even asked SpecFor Mangor for his input and his suggestions had also been tried.

     The time was nearly up when the Senior Tech said, “Project Leader this may not work, but there’s one thing no one has tried. It’s ancient but who knows, it can’t hurt. Why don’t we try an old ‘Spectrum Analysis’?”


     At the suggestion, Alicechild nearly burst out in uncharacteristic laughter at the prospect. “Senior Technician, are you suggesting we get a big piece of  clear silicate crystal, beam white light through it, shine said light on the EROS Device and then analyze its shadow for a result?”

     There was a short pause and the Senior replied, “We can always go back to what we were doing Project Leader.”

     The Chamber AI interrupted. “Project Leader, Director Shasta is initiating a connection override.”

     Giving another sigh Alicechild grudgingly said, “Do it Senior. Test Chamber, accept call.”


     ‘One Event Horizon sized-gamble’ the Specfor Operations Tech called what was happening inside the Testing Chamber. Though all AV feeds were closed to  personnel not directly involved in the analysis of the EROS Device, Alicechild 88130 knew all eyes were locked onto the countdown broadcast throughout the EXWEPFAC. Anytime a major test with unknown consequences was about to take place, the entire facility was locked down with safety and security protocols enacted.


     For the first time, the Engineer felt cold sweat pouring faster than her Personal Body Membrane could absorb. There was every reason to feel anxiety for though swiftly and efficiently, the Senior Technician along with support from the rest of the project team including the Operations Tech, a working optically correct ‘glass’ prism was constructed.

     Since ‘Spectrum Analysis’ was ‘Pre-Awakening’ technology, both supporting engineers had to create precise filter settings for both containment fields which would allow the focused beam of white light to pass through and the ‘Spectrum’ its shadow would create to show on the Chamber wall with no corruption.


     While the Team was preparing the test, Alicechild performed her primary duty as a Project Leader... keeping the Director and the Facility Board out of the process! A slight smirk pulled on the Engineer’s lips as she remembered throwing Director Shasta’s words concerning, ‘managing her superiors and the corporate structure’ back upon him.

     She was surprised at how quickly he relented when she proposed her hypothesis that all other facilities failed because they did the same tests each time. When she told him of the outlandish test planned to utilize a more than sixty-five thousand year-old technique to analyze the artifact, the Director went strangely silent. Moments later the Director quietly said, ‘That just might work.’

     Given the ‘go ahead’ by Director Shasta, now Alicechild was looking upon the forward display and saw green borders around viz feeds across the board.

“We are ready Project Leader,” said the Senior Technician.

     From behind Alicechild heard the SpecFor say, “Whether it works or not Project Leader, that was some ballsy shit you pulled to get going.”

     Feeling her anxiety level off Alicechild took a deep breath and said, “Initiate Spectrum Analysis!”


     The Forward Display’s automated filters activated as the brilliant beam of focused white light flared bathing the Test Chamber. Instantly, the beam passed through the crystal clear prism and a rainbow of light illuminated the ice block.

     The Hydraen Engineer Hurzex excitedly shouted, “The beam is generating a readable data stream Project Leader...it looks to be working!”

     With an excited nod the Hermacian Gany announced, “I concur Project Leader. A steady stream of data is coming in. Analyzing.... So far, all we are getting is the chemical components of the ice.”

     Not wanting to be optimistic at this early point, Alicechild called to Joehnz and ordered, “Senior Technician, report containment field integrity status.”

     Knowing all the PL had to do was look at the ConMod’s forward display to get than information, Joehnz complied with the request. “Fields zero one and zero two are at one hundred percent with no fluctuations from spectrum filtering.”

     ‘This was going to work,’ thought Alicechild now more determined. All indications pointed to the new containment structure holding. With that in mind the Project Leader said, “Increase intensity and filter out all spectrum data from the ice.”

     The forward display filters dimmed evermore as the white beam increased in intensity. Alicechild felt it was unnervingly quiet inside the ConMod for no sound escaped the Chamber though any living being inside with the Beam activated and no protection would be instantly vaporized.

     Suddenly a distinctly disturbed Senior Technician asked, “PL, are you seeing this?” Alicechild looked at the forward display and immediately commanded, “Maginify, Beam contact point with the ice by point seven five percent.”

    The image enlarged and all in the ConMod gasped. There was vapor coming off of the primordial ice... it was melting! Behind her the Project Leader heard the Ops Tech say, “That can’t be good....”


     Hurzex excitedly shouted, “There is a Data Stream coming in... it’s from the Device!”

     Leaning forward forcefully Alicechild barked, “Gany, confirm Data Stream!”

     The results of the Hermacian’s flurry of checks appeared on the forward display and the Project Leader felt her heart jump within her chest. “Data Stream confirmed! We are getting preliminary data on the Device.”

     Alicechild pounded her fist on the chair’s arm as she felt validation. Then, the moment changed.

“Project Leader, I can’t interpret the data nor can the Chamber AI.”

     The Engineer called up a hardlight display before her and said, “Display data stream.” It was as the Hermacian Researcher said. The information coming from the data stream was unintelligible even to the Test Chamber AI.

     To Alicechild’s eyes the data was nothing but a mishmash of lines, shapes and then.... “Test Chamber, analyze incoming data for repeated patterns of any sort.”

     The AI replied, “Project Leader there are one hundred seventy-two thousand, seven hundred and fifty-one repeated patterns recognizable in the data stream.”

     It was then the Project Leader gasped and said, “It is trying to communicate.... Test Chamber, Secure Link me with Director Shasta.”


     The Director’s viz feed appeared only in Alicechild’s PHUD and he said expectantly, “Please tell me you’ve got something of merit for me Project Leader.”

     Using Voice Emulation for the call so the others would not hear, the Engineer put forth her thoughts. ‘Director, we’ve had a breakthrough. The Spectrum Analysis has initiated a data stream in which I believe the device is using to attempt communications with us.’

     Skeptical Director Shasta replied, “Are you certain?”


‘No Director I am not. But all evidence points to it. Think about it, this technology is ‘Billions’ of ESY’s ahead of us! No doubt it would have been calibrated to communicate at the most basic of levels. Using the ‘Spectrum Analysis’ was basic as we get around here, so perhaps we’ve stumbled on a way to learn more about it?’

     Looking at the Director’s face in the viz feed, Alicechild could tell he would relent once more and he did. “Very well. The project’s in your hands Engineer Alicechild.”


     The feed cut and Alicechild said, “Test Chamber, transmit recognizable patterns back to the device!”

     The AI’s dry featureless voice emulation replied, “Acknowledged. Transmitting data....” As the AI initiated the transmission, there was a sudden implosion of light and then... darkness.


To be continued....     Go to Part 2    Go to Part 4


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