Thorns extending from dense brambles tore tender flesh, clothing and lashed at terrified eyes threatening to rob their owners of sight. To lose so valued a sense would be disastrous for the two ladies as they plunged deep into the dark of night and ancient woods to escape their pursuers. The sounds of horses, dogs and hardened male voices began to fade as the pair continued such desperate flight. After a body-numbing amount of time, the duo burst haggard from the thick undergrowth into a small clearing.

     Above where black storm clouds hung, a clear night sky with twinkling stars peered through weakening clouds. Both ladies crouched stone still in the darkness listening for any sign of their pursuers. Long moments passed as ears strained to hear any indication they once more had been found but there was nothing. In fact, there was no sound at all save their stifled breath and pounding heartbeats. Amidst this black wood no bird sang, no ground creature moved or leaf rustled. There was no hint of the once raging wind either!

     Noting her companion’s pale expression mirrored her feelings the woman tightly whispered, “Lini, what do you see?” Her companion turned away from the clearing and bright blue glowing eyes looked upon her. In a quivering voice Lini replied, “Yansa... there is... nothing here!

     Puzzled the human woman took in her elven companion’s expression and snapped, “What do you mean there is ‘nothing here’? There are trees, grass… an entire forest about us!”

     Distraught, the elven female placed the woman’s hand against the side of her head. She could feel the woman’s lacerated fingers through torn gloves and the sting of red iron-rich blood on her skin. “See what I now see!”

     Yansa felt the sharp jolt as the spiritual connection between them initiated. In her mind’s eye, she could see what the Highborn Khanii Elf could see beyond the stand of trees where they hid. Instead of a small clearing surrounded by a grim forest, the woman laid eyes on a vast barren depression surrounded by the Bramble Forest into which they’d fled their enemies! Under the night sky, only charred uurth and broken stone lay before them far off into the downward sloping distance. What looked to be miles distant, a red-orange glow pulsed.

     The elf removed the woman’s hand and then asked, “Can you still see it Yansa?” Her eyes now readjusted to the gloom, the woman saw through the illusion and the pulsing glow seemed to beckon her. “Yes Lini, I see it.”

     Stepping away from the forest line onto the barren ground Yansa turned to her companion and demanded, “Are you coming?” Lini stood frightened casting glances behind her.

     “Lini, there’s nothing back that way but death. Our families lost the war. Those who sought to foment war between our people will hunt down the last survivors of those who supported the Unified Coalition.”

     The human’s matter-of-fact tone lashed Lini to the quick. “Perhaps some portion of the army survived? They may be looking for us!”

     In the darkness the human’s eyes shined like obsidian as she snapped, “That was a Highborn Hunting Squadron after us Lini! They are only deployed after a battle has been won. Our guardians gave their lives so we could escape and the hunting team still hounds us! No one is coming, except those who want our heads....”

     Yansa could not hold back her tears though she did her best to harden her expression. Her heart went out to her long-time highborn friend for elves were physically incapable of shedding tears. Yet, the realization of their predicament caused Lini’s limbs to weaken and she caught a gnarled tree limb to steady herself.

     “All we knew is lost is it not? We will never be able to return home shall we?” Squaring her shoulders Yansa hissed, “Aye. But, mark my words Lini... we will endure! This day belongs to our enemies. Tomorrow belongs to us....”

     Lini saw Yansa’s injured hand held out towards her. The human’s ceremonial armor was rent badly as her own shredded gown. Her slippers all but useless, made crunching sounds as she stepped out upon the dry cracked ground.

     The Highborn Elf placed her equally injured hand in Yansa’s and replied, “Together!” Yansa smiled and faced the distant glow. Far as she knew, they were headed towards their doom. Somehow, she was certain that would not be the result. Arm in arm, the two former noble ladies set off on the long trek....

     Shod horses hooves made a dull thumping rhythm upon the sand covered road. Five Pal-hadiin warriors made up the patrol searching for a group of travelers gone missing more than a week past. Normally, the search for missing travelers fell to the Provincial Guard Units. But an emphatic request from the Bishop of South City’s Order of Osiris to find his missing niece had the Light Armored Patrol short of the border crossing between the Southern, Western and Northern Provinces. Two days ride in any direction would get them to the nearest settlements and a full week’s ride South or North before the walls of South City or Northton would come into view. If the travelers were lost, they picked the best place to do so!
      Hundreds of years ago, Men and Elves spilled each other’s blood upon these lands. Before the Great Conflict, this region was peaceably settled by the two great races. When war came instead of the inhabitants picking one side or the other, they chose their own and banded together.

     Strangely enough, it was the Elven Forces which descended upon them first. According to the elven accounts, neither ‘traitor’ to elves nor men were spared. Two great noble houses were slaughtered and all evidence of their existence was destroyed. Now, only thick forests barely fit for timber stands where a once mighty kingdom did.

     Just about the time the crease in the Patrol Leader’s breeches made its presence unpleasant, one of the vanguard riders returned. “Captain Rhamalla! We’ve found their camp!” ‘Good news at last,’ thought the Captain. A few more days of aimlessly searching the traveler’s route would try even her patience.

     Slapping the reigns against her horse’s flanks, Captain Rhamalla charged off to catch up to the rider with the patrol falling in behind. With luck at the worst, they would find the Bishop’s niece with the lover disapproved by her family no worse for wear other than perhaps being no longer ‘virginal’.

     It was a standard ‘Catch and Return’ run that had me out here in the ass-end of three adjacent provinces. Though the road was well traveled and patrolled, lots of bad shit happens in this area. There being a lot of old growth forest in the region makes fine profits for those in the Timber Business.

     However, this particular section has never been clear-cut. Plenty of Loggers, Trappers and Hunters give this place a wide berth. Even experienced Guides carting travelers through don’t bother to camp or linger here any longer than necessary. Of course, this section of the woods is said to be haunted.

     As a Bounty Hunter I have to take history, legends and wives tales seriously. When tracking an ‘assignment’, the hunted often flee into areas with reputations in order to throw off their pursuers. Well when the Bounty Hunter Wolfwalker gives his word on an assignment, the hunted can hide in the bowels of the Twelve Hells for all I care. I specialize in ‘bringing them back alive.’ That always sounds great when a client hears me say it. Sales pitch or not, my reputation is built upon it!
     So because of my big mouth... uh reputation, I’m squatting over the strangest campsite I’ve seen to date. First, the travelers moved quite far off the road into the forest to set up camp. Not a good idea in an area known for bandit activity.

     Being close to the road makes it possible for passing Guard Patrols to find them. Often for the offer of a hot meal or a few silver coins, the Guardsmen will camp the night with a traveling party and stand guard until morning. Way off in the woods like this, that wouldn’t happen.

     Strangest thing of all, a campfire was lit and then left to burn itself out while all around lay the clothes worn by what I saw were several merchant men, three married lesser noblewomen, a small number of Armed Porters and a young man and woman. Looking closely at the young man’s things, they matched the description of those belonging to my assignment.

     The local Lumber Baron’s son ran off with some ‘South City floozy’ as he put it. He wanted the youth back ‘whole and hale with his tail betwixt his legs.’ From the look of things, that might be easier said than done.
     The more I looked at this scene the stranger the details were. It was high summer, so no rain had fallen for weeks. This section of the forest was well sheltered by the wind, so nothing had been disturbed. Suddenly, my skin crawled. Nothing had been disturbed!

     The clothing looked as though it had been willingly removed and left where it fell. Rings, pendants, coin pouches and money belts all lay untouched. The pot of stew sat dried out without a hint of mold or evidence of even flies touching it!

     Looking further, two carts full of luggage and crated merchandise stood unattended. Even the horse’s saddles, harnesses and iron horseshoes lay strewn upon the ground. There was not a hint of a breeze blowing despite the clouds lazily moving overhead. The only sign of the traveler’s activity were dozens of foot and hoof prints in the sandy soil leading away from camp deep into the old Bramble Forest.

     There was no chance, bandits or slavers had anything to do with this. Before I could put my mind to what may have made travelers drop everything and walk off naked into the wood, sounds of armed men tramping through the underbrush caught my ears.
     Before the troops reached the camp, I moved my horse Hob and me back into the forest well away from the trail left by the travelers. From experience, the light warhorse knew to hunker down in the brush directly behind me. Drawing my Gray Caterpillar Cloak about me, the two of us were easily hidden from view. A quick count revealed seven light cavalry types well armed and from their cloak colors… they were Pal-hadiin. Great. If elite holy warriors were snooping about, something serious was going on.

     Despite their reputation as the ‘good guys’, I knew better. The Pal-hadiin were good for saving people, in addition to helping the sick and injured in concert with Healers. But when they got the ‘destroy evil’ bug up their asses, whole cities have been burned to the ground! It was a given they would not take kindly to having a Bounty Hunter along on their rescue mission. I tried to put out of my mind the consequences of them learning I am Half-Human, Half-Psaychaelien!

     I settled in and watched who turned out to be the Captain of a Search Patrol. The human woman in her early thirties had a hard-edged look. Her dull silver helmet did little to hide a dark complexion and sharp obsidian eyes. I noticed the Captain had a sense of things sharp as those eyes.

     Each time one of her subordinates offered up a preposterous theory of what occurred at the camp, she merely pointed out an obvious detail they should have noted prior to their assumption. Before long, she stood not far from where I had been looking at the trail of footprints leading into the brambles.

     “Sergeant Maresh! It will be dark soon. We’ll set up camp here and look for the Bishop’s niece in the morning.”

     I saw the Captain exchange a crisp salute with a human male of similar age. As the Sergeant moved off barking orders, the Captain he called ‘Rhamalla’ stared into the forest in my direction. I knew she couldn’t see Hob or me, but it was almost as if she knew we were here! Eventually, her attention was brought back to the preparations for the morning’s search and the Captain moved away.

     Though they couldn’t see us, we would have to wait until nightfall to move from our hiding place. Hob was an excellent horse for moving about stealthily, but he was too big to be unseen at this distance without cover of darkness. Once we were able to move off, I would conduct my own search for the whereabouts of the missing travelers. Hopefully, my assignment would be hiding somewhere buck naked and scared shitless wondering how he got there. That scenario would make my job too easy. It was my Little Voice that said, ‘Don’t count on it.’

     The gloom of night settled upon the Bramble Forest. To keep from disturbing the portion left by the missing travelers, Captain Rhamala ordered her troops to rope it off and set up camp adjacent to the site. Unable to sleep, the Captain stood amidst the darkened site shining a focused watch lantern upon a spot of particular interest. The sound of booted feet upon the leaf littered ground perked Captain Rhamalla’s ears. “Report Sergeant.”

     Coming to stop beside his commanding officer, Sergeant Maresh quietly gave the patrol’s situation report. “Captain, the Patrol’s bedded down light if we have to move out quick. This area’s got some hostile wildlife of the two or more legged type, so I ordered two small fires. The watches are set and you and I will take the last.”

     The Sergeant’s preparations met with the Captain’s approval and she grunted, “Very well.”

     Sergeant Maresh took a half step forward and remarked, “That’s the Bishop’s Niece’s clothing! She was a pious girl wasn’t she? Wonder what could have made her and the rest of them all strip down to the ‘rude hair’ then walk off into a bramble patch?”

     Squatting down to get a better view, Captain Rhamalla took hold of the opened garments of a young woman. “Do you see this Maresh?”

     The Sergeant leaned in and said, “Yes ma’am! The buttons are torn clean off.”

     Nodding, the Captain agreed. “True. But neither the dress nor her undergarments were torn. It looks like the Bishop’s Niece tore off her clothes herself!”

     Grabbing a nearby shirt no doubt worn by a young man the Captain snapped, “Same with this! I’d be willing to bet a year’s worth of Holy Penitence all the others are like this as well. You go on Maresh. I’m going to give this a further look.” The Sergeant acknowledged the order then turned to make the short walk back to camp.

     Captain Rhamalla watched Maresh return to camp and then heard him barking orders for evening rations to be prepared. Such lighthearted moments may soon fade once the fate of the Bishop’s Niece and her fellow travelers was known. Shining the lantern on the wide trail of foot and hoofprints, the Captain followed them a short distance into the forest.

     In no time the brambles became thick and under the focused yellow lantern light, numerous traces of dried blood could be seen. “Damn!” muttered the Captain as she examined the long needles of razor sharp bramble thorns. “They couldn’t have gotten far through this naked! No doubt they’ve all bled to death by now....”

     The Captain’s out loud thought was abruptly cut off by a powerful gloved hand clamping over her mouth! A sharp blow to the back of her thigh saw her losing balance and collapsing backward. It was too late to grab for her sword and as she landed upon her armored knees, Captain Rhamalla felt something sharp press below her ear at the junction of her skull and spine.

     A chilling whisper of a voice in her ear commanded, “Don’t do anything stupid and you’ll live. I am not here to kill you. You’re here looking for someone amongst the lost travelers. So am I.

     Before you and your men go traipsing off through the brambles in the morning, there’s something you need to see tonight. Do I have your word you will keep quiet and hear me out… or should I just finish you off and leave your men to their fate?”

     Flush with hot blood from fear and anger at being so easily caught off guard, Captain Rhamalla did the only prudent thing by nodding in agreement. She was released and the Captain rolled away onto her feet. In the same motion her drawn sword pointed at nothing!

     No mysterious antagonist stood before her. Instead, only empty space between the brambles presented itself. “Invisible? I would expect nothing less from a sneak thief, cutthroat or whatever you are! Show yourself!”

     The Captain’s words were answered by the prick of a sword tip at the base of her spine. “You gave your word....” Giving a long sigh the Captain groaned, “That I did.” As she slowly scabbarded her weapon Captain Rhamalla growled, “I will have the name of he who has advantage of me.”

     Turning slowly, the Captain felt the sword tip leave her back and she saw a cloaked man-at-arms solidify from the gloom. His face was shrouded in darkness by a hood, but the shine of moonlight reflected off dark eyes and a toothsome grin.

     The strange looking short sword remained pointed at her as the man replied, “My apologies Captain. I am the Bounty Hunter Wolfwalker. This won’t be an issue between us… will it?”

     Captain Rhamalla’s dark face drained of blood at the pronouncement of the most notorious Bounty Hunter in two provinces standing before her! Though a Stalwart amongst the Pal-hadiin orders of Osiris, the Captain took a moment to swallow her fear for all in their right minds knew to keep clear of Headhunters and Bounty Hunters.

     “The Wolfwalker you say? If this is true I must ask, am I on your list?” The smile grew broad and Captain Rhamalla felt a sinister chill at the sight.

     “No good Captain, neither you nor any of your company have the misfortune of garnering my full attention.” The Captain drew in a calming breath and her courage returned. “You said you are looking for one amongst the party we search for?”

     The Captain watched as the evil looking short-sword was gracefully scabbarded without the Bounty Hunter’s eyes being diverted. “Yes, I am. I believe she whom you search for is also amongst the missing. But before you set off to search, you must see....”     

     Off in the distance the shouts of men and women could be made out by the pair. Captain Rhamala turned towards the shouts, but once more felt that powerful hand grip her arm. Strong as she was, the Captain could not tear her arm free.

     “My men! I must go to them!” Before she could react, Captain Rhamala was upended and felt the sudden weight of the Bounty Hunter crushing her. The gloved hand covered her mouth again and that chilling whisper came as the voluminous cloak covered them. “Be silent or we share your men’s fate!”

     The Captain started to move and throw this thug from her person, but then from over the cloak came a warm red-orange glow! She could feel the heat of it against the exposed skin of her face and grit her teeth against the pain. As the glow passed, the ground trembled and the Captain heard the eerie sounds of women’s laughter and the flap of great wings!

     All grew quiet for after long moments even the shouts of her troops and horses screams could no longer be heard. She started to move and the hand over her mouth held the Captain fast. This time in her ear the Bounty Hunter whispered, “We wait.”

To be continued....

Go to Part 2

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