First conceive of a story bigger than any other story about white and black America previously written. Set it in an alternative present so that the actions, characters and story line are all as plausible a reality as the world we live in today.

Next, populate the story with characters as completely realistic as possible; characters we know as friends and family in our own lives.

Finally, craft a story so compelling, so realistic that readers need do little to suspend disbelief, to become so completely absorbed in the story that the events they read about are as real as those they see in the news or read about in print or online.

The Darkside Universe is an alternate past, present and future history where four black high school students, whose bond is closer than that of family, turn a chance discovery in the physics of gravity into the most closely held secret in the history of man. These four, along with a number of like-minded recruits along the way, build earth’s first interplanetary spacecraft, travel to the moon prior to NASA’s expeditions, and create a hidden colony on its backside.

Discovery is, at its heart, a mystery. How did the FBI overlook over two thousand missing African Americans for over four decades? How did these four friends acquire the technical expertise to design, build and launch the most advanced spacecraft in history? And finally, how did they keep their secret in the midst of recruiting several thousand like-minded Blacks to join in their adventure?

This is the basis for the seven volume Darkside Universe, two trilogies and a concluding seventh volume that tells a story as real as the lives we’re all leading right now.

The final question asked by the Darkside Universe is: if you were offered the opportunity to leave Earth and immigrate to the moon to live with the most advanced technology and medical care in the known universe, but were forbidden to tell anyone of your plans including family, you would just disappear from your daily life, would you go and live in this extraordinary all Black community?

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