White Entitlement Raises Its Ugly Head

As I've mentioned before, Conception, Volume 2 in the series tells the 40 year story of those discovered in volume one, Discovery.

I have several readers who have been given copies of the Conception manuscript; black, white, men, women, older, younger. They provide me with perspectives based on their race, gender and generation.

A middle-aged white woman just contacted me to seriously discuss an issue in Conception that made her uneasy, and that was the use by the characters in the book of the term "whitey" to refer to whites in a less-than-complimentary manner.

I went through the explanation, the time period, the psychology, the cultural dynamics and my anger. I explained to her that her reaction indicates just how oblivious whites are about their entitlement issues, and how they have no idea how their very oblivious existence is an insult to the dignity of non-whites.

It took a while but she finally got it.  However, what it means for me is that whites are going to have a hard time swallowing the realities of exactly how they're perceived by non-whites in general, blacks in particular. If anyone wants a direct example of white obliviousness, take a look at the one star review of Discovery: Discovery, Volume One of the Darkside Trilogy

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