Laughter fell out of open gauze curtained windows as children played outside a large circular mud brick home. White washed walls and thick, fresh green thatch upon the conical roof made the house glow among the healthy orchards surrounding it. Inside the home, sat a circle of women several rows thick upon cushions around a large low ring table. In the center, sat the Priestess along with the village Elder Women and the newest arrival to the Valley Realm. The Priestess raised a hand and the laughter began to die down.
“Women of the Valley and those of the Surround, once more we celebrate a successful Spring Flood and the completion of planting. Already, our labors are well underway to making this another fruitful year. We all have much to be thankful for. Five new betrothals, ten healthy babies born this spring and a fine run of young trout to the sea.” Cheers and clapping punctuated the Priestess’ words and the Elder Women nodded in agreement as they clutched gnarled canes and walking sticks.
Taking it all in was the newly arrived entity. Disguised in a form similar to the women around her, she felt her new face twist in the strange way as the others. Not sure what she felt, the Entity at least knew it felt... good. She knew this was an important gathering. She had been invited to be where the great power of this realm allowed far lesser beings similar places. The Entity knew this great power could rule over these beings with ease, but did not. They spoke to the Power without fear and seemed to enjoy pleasant intercourse.
All during this day the Entity followed the Power these beings called, ‘Priestess’ to many places within this realm. Visiting homes, greeting beings with their small offspring and seeing how bountiful the world above could be. In spite of traveling on ‘land’ as these beings called it which proved to be tiring in this new form, resting upon a soft device was quite welcome! The Entity listened intently to what was said among the women. Much was unfathomable to her, but the concepts were familiar. Her own people held gatherings where much was discussed, but she had been too young to attend. Yet, life here was in some ways similar to her long-dead home.
With the main business attended to, the Priestess rose from the cushion to her feet. “Women of the Valley and Surround. As you know, many of us have left far off homes, families and lives to find life here. Many of you, have wandered in from the desert lost and alone but found a second chance among new neighbors, friends and family. Most of you fled terrible misfortunes or simply wished to find a place where you could have peace.” Heads all about the Priestess nodded in agreement and shrill calls from rolling tongues made the walls of the house vibrate.
Her hand went up once more this time to silence the calls. Turning in a slow circle, the Priestess met the eyes of every woman present. “Once again, we have another wanderer come among us. This time it is not someone who staggered their way through the Sand Sea to find sanctuary. Though this person is like many of you who left homes destroyed by war and having nowhere to turn, our latest wanderer is not of flesh and blood.” Looking down to the Entity, the Priestess extended her hand. Quizzically, the Entity cocked her head from one side to the other but soon understood. Taking the Priestess’ hand, the Entity was pulled to her tired new feet.
The faces of the assembled women looked concerned at the mention of the lovely dark-skinned young woman with a long black mane as she stood awkward beside the Priestess not being of flesh and blood. Seeing those looks, the Priestess quickly moved to assuage their fears.
“It is no secret this place which we call home is very special. Not just because of what we have made here, but due to the powers which made it possible. We now sit upon what was once the River Goddess’ pathway to the sea. The very land these fine orchards surrounding us grow in is soil ground down from stones of the Mountain God. Even I played a small role in helping to make this place what it is.” All the women laughed at the Priestess’ poor attempt at downplaying her responsibility for overseeing the peace between the two mighty gods.
Still holding the now thoroughly confused Entity’s hand, the Priestess presented her to the assemblage. “So it is a well known truth that here mortals, gods and sometimes demons, walk free to live amongst each other. Our newest wanderer is a powerful young goddess who’s long and difficult journey has led her among us. She as with you all, is welcome unless she willingly invites strife to follow in her footsteps or she rouses the ire of the River or awakens the Mountain. To break these simple rules will end in banishment from the Valley Realm for all time. If she agrees to obey these laws, will you welcome her?”
There was a long moment of silence and then one of the Elder Women asked, “What will be her duty among the people? No mortal, god or demon may live here without some duty to perform. What will this young goddess with no name yet given, do among us?” The Priestess knew the question would be asked and she already had an answer. Though life was pleasant here in the Valley, everyone had some task to perform. Idleness would lead to terrible things among mortals. Among gods and demons, idleness was a poison which always lead to destruction. “Our newest wanderer, should she wish it may take the Delta Region under her protection. She is of the sea and the Delta is the link between the Valley and the far-flung seas. It is a dangerous place for mortals to travel and it will be the young goddess’ responsibility to make it less so.”
The Entity fully understood what had transpired. Should she agree to this realm’s laws, the large area where sea and land mixed would become her home. She would no longer be a visitor and with this new form, be able to interact with the Aesir Chief regularly. There was much to learn about this place, the people and other entities which lived here. Most important, she would no longer be alone....
Turning to face the Entity, the Priestess looked her in the eyes as amber fire lit her own. “Do you accept our laws and wish to take up the protection of the Delta Region as your duty to those who live in the Valley Realm?” The Entity suddenly had problems with her new eyes. She could not stop blinking them and fluid flowed from them unbidden. The strong but gentle grip of the Priestess stopped her from wiping her eyes whereby she said, “Is that a yes?” The Entity nodded furiously and said, “Yes!”
The Priestess passed her hand over the eyes of the Entity and they lit up with blue-green fire. “I have released a portion of your power. In time, you will learn to do as much in this form and more on your own. Who you were before is for you to know. Who you are now among the people of the Valley Realm is Okavanga, Goddess of the Delta. You have great power young one and I expect you to fulfill your duty as protector.” Her voice now under her own power, the Goddess Okavanga replied, “Thank you Priestess. I will not fail you or the people.”
With the sun making its way towards the horizon’s edge, the newly minted Okavanga stood covered in flower necklaces and other offerings of welcome amidst the interior of the Delta. She could not help but smile as the energy of life permeated this area. Though the sea had always been her home, she was beginning to appreciate the mixed sensation of dry land, mud, reed islands and open water making up the Delta. This marvelous place would be hers to protect.
The Priestess stood upon a small hillock which had been trampled by buffalo and other herd animals looking out over the Delta. With a simple leap, Okavanga covered the distance and landed with a bit of a totter next to the Priestess. “Ha! You’ll get used to doing that. However, I recommend doing extraordinary feats when you’ve called your power to the surface as I showed you back at the gathering. Before I leave you, know these things Okavanga.
First, until you get control over your form you will appear as a mortal during the day and as your original self at night. Second, be aware that while no mortal can cause you permanent injury in your natural form, you can be killed in you mortal one until you gain control. Know also, there are many otherworldly creatures here in the Delta. There are a few which may take you to task even in your natural form. Also know there are powers here who no matter what your form may kill you as well. They are few and only two may do so without provocation. One is rare and you may never encounter it. The other....” “Hates being talked about behind his back!”
Startled, Okavanga instinctively drew the waters of the Delta into a sudden tidal wave which towered behind her. Looking up at the cresting wave the God Qatula remarked, "That’s not bad. Surely you realize there are animals foundering at this instant and so lovely a wave will inundate the land? There are four small settlements which will be affected should such a wave be released.” Her eyes burning with blue-green fire, Okavanga held back the wave with some considerable effort. Looking toward the Priestess who showed no alarm, the young goddess realized there was no immediate threat.
Pleased with the considerable amount of control the Delta’s new protector exhibited, the Priestess waited until the tidal wave was gradually dispersed with little impact upon the few dispersed mortals or local animal life. “Excellent. Your capacity for restraint will be your most formidable power to be developed as protector of the Delta. Though this God is a potential threat, he is not at the moment.” Leaning forward with a wicked leer Qatula retorted, “He also doesn’t like being spoken of as if he wasn’t present.”
With the wave dispersed, Okavanga turned toward the God with visible trepidation. “You are he I spoke with beyond the Barrier.” Still grinning Qatula replied, “That I am. I kept my word on speaking to the Power of this realm on your behalf did I not?” “You did. I offer my thanks mighty one.” Waving his hand, Qatula modestly denied the goddess’ praise. “Please, don’t start with the ‘mighty one’ or ‘my lord’ when addressing me. I find it annoying. You may call me, Qatula.”
Looking to the Priestess the God then asked, “So you found it in your heart to admit this gorgeous creature? You are definitely getting soft....” Showing no sign of irritation the Priestess continued. “Without further interruption, I was about to warn you about this one. He is my second husband and equal in all things save being a nuisance, by which he has no peer.” Qatula did his best to look innocent of the accusation, but failed miserably. “Okavanga know you though Qatula is very wise and sometimes helpful, he is very dangerous. Trust him at your peril.”Looking hurt at his wife’s statement Qatula replied, “I suppose this is where I’m supposed to show my true colors? Fine.”
Okavanga watched as gone were the warm brown mortal eyes only to be replaced by bright red fire! Though red eyes were natural to her, eyes that burned with red fire belonged only to dark evil creatures! With a swift side-step, the young goddess stood with the Priestess between her and the red-eyed god. Giving a sigh the Priestess said, “Now you’ve frightened her.” Looking thoroughly disappointed Qatula replied, “That’s too bad. She’s quite fetching in either form....” With eyes now aflame the Priestess snapped, “Absolutely not! You keep your hands off! I’ll not have any ‘godlings’ running amok here after you’ve had your way with her.” Qatula’s expression quickly changed to one making him look evermore devilish as he quipped, “What about the Kid? You’ve held him in check for a while now. When were you planning on letting him reach his real potential?”
Uncountable millennia of marriage to Qatula had made the Priestess privy to all his machinations. However, as was his skill he could manage to slip things past her on occasion. “So that is why you are here! What are you up to with my Mortal-son?” His expression now blank, Qatula cut his eyes toward Okavanga and then back to the Priestess. “You want to have this conversation in front of your new tenant?” Once more the Priestess sighed and turned to the young goddess. “Okavanga, this is now your realm to protect. Get to know it and those that live here. We will speak again.” The two powers abruptly disappeared in a burst of amber light and cloud of billowing darkness.
Okavanga looked out upon her new home and that strange thing crawled across her face again which exposed the teeth. Strange as it was, the feeling happened to be pleasant. She had much to learn about her new land and the surrounding realm. Soon her new companion the Chief would once more be in her presence. Okavanga hoped he liked this form as well. The one thing she would pay close attention to is the interaction between the powers and their mortal neighbors.
To be continued....
© 2012 H. Wolfgang Porter. All Rights Reserved.
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