Mjarga spoke aloud surprising both the Golden Being and Little Fish. “You cannot pass into the realm where your kind has gone. Not without great difficulty, hardship and…heartbreak. You will lament what you find. I would implore you to seek new life elsewhere. Bring forth your people anew from within yourself. That is where you shall find happiness….”
The brows of the Golden Being furrowed deeply at Mjarga’s words. There was some terrible mystery being shrouded in the young one’s thoughts. A sudden unwelcome wave of frustration washed over the Golden Being which caused her golden nimbus to flare brightly.
Little Fish bristled as he felt the Being’s burst frustration. The ground trembled beneath his feet and he heard Mjarga whisper, “Please stay calm!”
Mjarga’s words did little to dissuade the young man’s preparing for the worst. Little Fish could now see the Being’s inner turmoil as fluctuations of roiling ripples and waves in the once calm glow about her body. Gently he guided Mjarga behind him and desperately tried to heed his God-Mother’s wisdom, ‘know before you act.’
Using the Fishscale, he could peer into the immediate future to see what was to come but held off. It was too easy to misinterpret events with no understanding of all that transpired before. Gritting his teeth, Little Fish stood his ground and reluctantly kept an open mind.
The Being was taken aback at the powerful young one’s flash of simultaneous aggression and insight. Mystery or no, getting into a conflict with this young one would not provide answers. The Being contained her frustration and thus the energies surrounding her subsided. Unprotected by the golden nimbus, she was now at the mercy of the powerful young one. It was unlikely she would be able to defend herself in time should an attack come. None did.
Both Little Fish and Mjarga were amazed at the sight of the woman-like form of the formerly glowing being. She was not much taller than Mjarga and far slighter of build. A cascade of shimmering gold flowed about her head as would windblown hair. Sharp sapphire eyes burned within a face and body covered in translucent obsidian skin.
The Being gave a slow bow of her head and with difficulty said aloud, “P-please…t-tell me… w-where?”
Gently grasping his arm Mjarga softly said, “Fish, you’re scaring her.”
The young man suddenly remembered times when his father the Valley Knight spoke the same words to his God-Mother to calm her growing anger. Still cautious, Little Fish withdrew the Fishscale’s power until only his eyes remained aglow. Seemingly satisfied, Mjarga stepped in front of him with palms up and arms slightly outspread.
Now more confident the young witch asked the obsidian skinned being, “Are you sure this is what you want to see?”
The Being gave a slow nod and Mjarga replied, “Very well.”
Looking behind her she said, “Fish, would you help me? Place your hand upon my back. You’ll know what to do next.”
Little Fish’s brows narrowed, but he had yet to know a moment when Mjarga’s intuition had been mistaken. Taking a short but deep intake of air, he then placed his hand upon her back. A sudden connection was made between them and he could feel Mjarga’s life spirit!
Just as abruptly, the Being completed the connection by placing her hand within Mjarga’s. In a chaotic warping of the world around them, everything twisted and stretched beyond comprehension!
Though Little Fish felt ‘grounded’ by his connection with Mjarga and the strange being, he felt himself being pulled apart at a fundamental level! When it suddenly stopped, the trio stood upon a strange land. Yet, it was the Being who seemed to recognize where they were. A great wave of joy washed over them and Little Fish realized this was the being’s homeworld. Beside them stood a massive tree of a kind he had not seen even in his travels. Strange savage beasts some of gargantuan size moved about the land and skies above.
Through the Fishscale’s power, Little Fish understood the scene was also Mjarga’s world uncounted ages into the past. So far back in time they were, he could not recognize the stars in the sky! Yet, the wave of joy gave way to one of great sadness. Little Fish watched the Being looked to the starlit sky as it quickly became bright at day. Far above what seemed to be a small ‘sun’ streaked across the heavens with a great tail of fire and smoke in its wake!
The ‘Little Sun’ soon vanished beneath the horizon and the shroud of night fell upon the world once more. The young man saw many other beings like the one sharing her vision running into the clearing surrounding a massive tree. As they stopped beneath its canopy, branches leaned down to touch each being and they were engulfed in golden light. Thousands of beings were frantically trying to make their way to the tree when a great flash cast the light of a false dawn on the horizon.
A great rumbling came as the strange creatures small and great stampeded into the clearing! Panic overcame all still trying to reach the tree as the giants of the world smashed their way through. The ground beneath the mass of panicked creatures and beings already trembling from the stampede, abruptly buckled and rolled like ocean waves tossing all about.
The Tree despite its massive size and deep roots was not immune. It wavered to and fro as does the sapling in a mighty wind! Little Fish then saw the Being standing on the huge trembling roots of the prodigious tree now exposed by the earthquake. Desperately, she beckoned to those who could draw near enough to be saved by the tree. Through her eyes, he then saw the great horror rolling towards them from over the horizon!
Before them rose wall of fire, water and earth high enough to blot out the stars as it relentlessly made its way across the world. All in its path from beasts, forest and rolling hills where mountains would one day stand disappeared as it passed!
The Being looked out towards the multitude of her fellows injured and still clamoring to be saved writhed like ants at the base of the great tree. Above her many hundreds of small golden lights were safely nestled within the tree’s canopy. Her decision made, the Being stepped backwards towards the immense trunk and golden light enveloped her as it took her within.
Little Fish was once more viewing the scene from his own perspective just beyond the clearing and he saw above the great tree a surprising and familiar sight! Just as he had done so hundreds of times, a gateway far larger than any he’d opened appeared above the dense canopy. As it drifted downward, the Tree began to vanish into the open gate. However, it was not moving fast enough! Just as it cleared the canopy and began to move down the tree trunk, the destructive wave swept in….
The vision ended. Both Little Fish and Mjarga had tears rolling down their cheeks at what they’d witnessed. Mjarga turned and placing her head upon Little Fish’s broad chest loudly blew her nose. The young man flabbergasted, could only roll his eyes and look to the night sky!
Mjarga then turned back towards the Being. The golden glow covering the being was no more. The young witch marveled at her translucent obsidian skin and the shining gold hair which resembled the light of the glowing Yellow Stone the Red Chieftain left in her care as a child.
A sharp twinge of understanding brought everything into clear focus for Mjarga. Her visions and the one she’d just witnessed all made sense. She had seen visions golden lights and a great tree many times. When the Red Chieftain’s stone was placed in her care, Mjarga felt she’d seen it before!
“Fish, you saw the vision yes?”
Still annoyed from Mjarga blowing her nose on his tunic the young man snapped, “You know I did!”
Knowing she had to dissuade the Being away from the path she intended Mjarga queried, “What would happen to someone passing through a gateway before it could close?”
Little Fish quickly realized where Mjarga was going and replied, “At worst, they would be lost. At the very best, they would be flung far from where intended.”
Mjarga could see the Being was following her train of thought and then the Being posed the question, “Where…would…they…go?”
The white fire in his eyes from the Fishscale dimmed and Little Fish grimly replied, “Anywhere or…when.”
The Being was stunned. She could easily see the pair of very young ones were not trying to mislead her. Looking to the young female’s thoughts, the sight of her fellow beings gathered by the great tree were scattered to the winds of existence! It was as the one called Mjarga had warned. So much time had passed. Even if she knew where to begin to look where any of her kind still existed, they would be changed beyond recognition. She would be a stranger to them and they her.
All emotion bled from her at the knowing of such loneliness. Were it better had she not been awakened? A strange sensation drew her away from such empty feelings. Without her notice, the young one Mjarga had embraced her! Unsure of what to do, the Being felt the strong pulse of life within the female.
There was warmth emanating from the small body pressed against hers which felt similar to the light she once shared with her own kind. Placing her own limbs about Mjarga, the Being carefully shared an infinitesimal amount of her light and the pair became surrounded in a golden nimbus.
Little Fish was apprehensive watching Mjarga embrace the strange being. He then thought about how he became friendly with the Goddess Okavanga back home in the Valley Realm. In her normal form, Okavanga was just as strange and otherworldly as this being. He also doubted Mjarga would have approached her if she foresaw any trouble.
He watched as the golden glow grew and then saw Mjarga turn towards him with hand outstretched. The young man’s eyes went wide as the hand shook for him to come forward, but he did not budge! Once more Mjarga’s hand shook angrily and Little Fish sighed heavily.
Mjarga grasped Little Fish’s hand and shot him a look which made him narrow his eyes.
Looking back towards the Being the young witch said, “We all understand one another now. You know me as Mjarga. He is Li….”
The sudden hard squeeze of her hand made Mjarga quickly correct her words. “H-he is…Fish. Please, tell us who you are?”
The Being thought it odd that there were beings who did not simply ‘know’ one another without need of sounds assigned to them. Seeing herself through their thoughts, the Being noticed they were most pleased with the light surrounding them. There were no ‘words’ used amongst her kind so using the sound she associated with the light of her people the being said, “Shaaaah.”
Excited, Mjarga replied, “Shah, you so remind me of the spirits called the Aelf! So we know you, your name from us shall be ‘Shael’, Mother of Aelfs.”
The Being looked to Mjarga thoughtfully and those dark opaline eyes seemed to flash with acceptance. “Shael…is good.”
Little Fish understood much more now that he was not as defensive. He saw ‘Shael’s’ predicament as the last of her kind left on a world no longer as she known it. On a whim, Fish asked, “Do you want to stay here Shael?”
Both Fish and Mjarga were taken back by Shael’s sudden feeling of sadness at the prospect of being here alone in a world with ‘strange beings’. Fish then said, “Shael, I can open the way for you to find a new home if you wish?”
Her eyes told Little Fish all he needed to know. Looking to the sky, the young man saw twilight was fast approaching. The light of the Fishscale Necklace burned with bright white light as did its owner’s eyes. “Come Shael, I will take you where we shall find you a new home!”
Once more out of many times since returning to Aesirfjord, Little Fish stood waiting for the moment of twilight when night and day were one. This time he would not attempt to open the way for himself and a return to the Valley Realm. On one side stood the unearthly beautiful being now known as Shael with the young witch Mjarga on the other.
Looking ahead towards the blending of starlight and the rising sun upon the lake Little Fish sternly stated, “The way will only be open for a few moments Shael. Many worlds will pass in that time. You must choose quickly and step into the gate. Once beyond this world, there can be no return. Understand?”
With a gentle touch upon his shoulder, Shael gave the young one his answer. She was amazed to see such tremendous power dwelling in one so young yet and in control! The moment of Twilight came and Shael could feel the world turning its face to the sun. She then felt the formidable pulse of that which holds all together swirl away from the realm she and her kind called home so long ago. Before her the maelstrom of existence lay controlled within a space small enough for her to pass through. Shael could not contain her admiration for such a feat!
As world after world passed before her opaline eyes, one finally caught her attention! It was not too dissimilar from this one, but she felt the presence of those similar to her kind. Going to this unknown world was a risk, but staying in this one with so many memories lost to time would be unbearable. Her choice made, the gate showed a scene of what looked to be a lush green world. Shael suddenly embraced Little Fish and kissed him!
A stunned Mjarga looked on as the light of the Fishscale and Little Fish’s eyes turned blue like the night sky! Shael’s golden hair burst back into its bright nimbus and she held Fish’s face for a moment after breaking off the embrace. Quickly, she turned and dashed into the portal where the pair could see her wave on the other side briefly before the maelstrom resumed.
Before a suddenly miffed Mjarga could question Fish, the maelstrom flashed brightly for an instant. Just before disappearing, a dark rider erupted from the portal! Astride a strange looking bronze and black striped beast sat a man in flowing black garb with a round black shield with a golden spear painted upon it. On the rider’s back, a dark quiver with black arrowshafts and black fletchings hung.
As the beast turned towards them, a frightened Mjarga saw a sheathed curved short-sword swing about at the rider’s waist. The sudden memory of her childhood filled her with dread as she recognized the ‘Hand of Death’ who fought beside the Red Chieftain against the villain Ragmar!
Shocked Little Fish stepped forward and exclaimed, “Father! What are you doing here?”
Still working to calm his agitated mount, the Valley Knight responded, “An army is moving upon your God-Mother! I am off to stop them, but I need your power to open the way!”
Fish stood dumbfounded. “Wait, no army would dare raise a hand against the Priestess! You’re just trying to bring me back home.”
The young man recoiled at the look of his ‘Blood-Father’s’ eyes upon him as he snapped, “You left of your own will. I no longer care whether you return or not! You know the terms of my marriage contract and a threat approaches. I will not stand by and allow any mortal to threaten your God-Mother. Now stop whining and open the way for me!”
His father’s words stung worse than either the scorpion or siafu could manage! Trying his best to save face Fish replied, “You know if you go through a gate without me, you’ll be trapped!”
Looking at the trembling Mjarga the Knight retorted, “Looks to me you’ve already made your choice…as I have made mine. Open the way.”
Despite his father being mortal, the man always managed to put him in his place. Oh how he hated that! With face and ears burning with anger at his father’s undeniable matter-of-factness, Little Fish relented. He then realized, twilight had passed and it was impossible to open the way again until dusk…or was it?
The arrival of his father caused Fish to not notice the strange feeling he now did. There was a tingling sensation upon his lips which made its way down to his now fast beating heart and flooded his loins! Involuntarily, the Fishscale Necklace blazed violently with red-orange light and Little Fish could feel the power leech into his teeth and bones. His face became a mask of pleasure and fear at so fearsome a sensation. As Mjarga called out his name and his father’s horse reared and screamed, Little Fish suddenly…understood.
Shael as a parting gift had given part of herself to him during their embrace. He understood the importance and power of the Life Tree that protected her for millions of years after the Great Mountain fell from the sky. It was a similar power as the mighty ‘Sir Fish’ who gave him the Fishscale. With his new knowledge, Fish dug his toes into the ground and like the once mighty Life Tree, he ‘rooted himself’ to the earth and tapped into its vast energy!
With uncanny ease, the way was opened and a surprisingly calm Fish asked his father, “Show me where you want to go.”
Turning away, the Knight faced the open gate and the maelstrom roiling within it. With open eyes, he visualized the palm forest from the vision Qatula revealed to him. In the instant he pictured it, the scene appeared!
Little Fish and Mjarga gasped at the sight of thousands of dark-skinned men laboring to cut down the great forest! Amid the scene were also men making large strange devices of terrible design.
“Do you see now? They are coming for your God-Mother! They will bring ruin upon all who live in the Valley and the Surround with their engines of war. I go to stop them.”
Little Fish shouted, “Wait! Where’s the Chief? Why does he not ride with you?”
Turning back the Knight answered, “He’s off to find his people.”
It was Mjarga who grasped Fish’s arm with great concern softly said, “You would allow your father, mighty warrior as he is to go forth against that…alone?”
A long exhale rushed from Little Fish as he made up his mind. “Go now father. I’ll hold the way open for you.”
The Valley Knight looked upon his now grown son and the young Aesir woman he’d no doubt chosen as wife. Giving them both a nod, the Knight wheeled his mount around and heeled it forward to the closing gate.
Mjarga angrily snapped at Fish as she held his arm tight, “You’re going with him?”
His eyes alight with the Fishscale’s power the young man replied, “Yes…and you’re coming with me!”
Mjarga had little time for more than a yelp of surprise as she was scooped up in Fish’s brawny dark arms! With eyes wide, the young woman held on tight as the gate began to close. Her sharp scream of dismay was cut short as they passed through the barrier between worlds and the way closed behind them.
Bursting into the clearing as the gateway closed was Mjarga’s adopted father Utsgald.
“MJARRGAAAAH!” screamed the incensed man at the sight of his daughter being taken to the Demon Realm of Nifelheim.
Somehow, the pair had stopped the Golden Demon from destroying the settlement. But apparently, the price for such aid was his adopted daughter! Heartbroken, Utsgald did his best to remember for all their bluster, both the Demon and Mjarga held love for one another. He only hoped that would be enough to protect her and see her safely home….
The End
© 2014 H. Wolfgang Porter. All Rights Reserved.