About Me:
I am the founding president/owner/CEO of an emerging independent 3-d animation production company that utilizes an unique real-time rendering engine to produce films and shorts for commercial distribution at a fraction of current cost/time mottos.
I have over 15 years of experience in various aspects of traditional and computer animation production, including but not limited to storyboarding, scriptwriting, composition, character design, animation, special fx, modeling, texturing, and compositing, as well as a strong proficiency in lighting, color theory and cinematography.
Currently I am in the process of securing funding for an upcoming independent post apocalyptic Si-fi film production called ALFA OMEGA X, which will be either a feature length film, or a mini-series of short films, depending on the success of the initial contributions secured.
Hopefully the success of my initial film offering ALFA OMEGA X grows into an opportunity which will allow for an expanded universe which could lead to a franchise of novels, graphic novels, t.v. series, action figures, video games, ect. Hopefully all before 12-21-12....lol