Dobson, NC
Birthday: February 26
Dobson, NC
February 26
About Me:
A Technoprogressive-Transhumanist activist within the East Coast region of the U.S. Writes as a contributing author for Transhumanity.net, India Future Society, and the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Is a co-editor for a political online newspaper Fight Back! News, and is currently sitting as an Advisor for the nonprofit NGO Lifeboat Foundation, sitting on their Futurists Board and Space Settlement Board. He used to work with asteroid mining company Planetary Resources as a member of their Planetary Community Vanguards, helping campaign funding for open-source space exploration via the ARKYD 100 Space Telescope. By July of 2013 the funding was completed, accumulating $1.5 million in total. The ARKYD 100 Space Telescope will launch in 2015. He runs a web blog, going into science, technology, and transhumanism, called The Proactionary Transhumanist.
Relationship Status:
Your Occupation
Writer for the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies
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